
Distribution by Scientific Domains
Distribution within Medical Sciences

Kinds of Normal

  • adjacent normal
  • being normal
  • direction normal
  • histologically normal
  • human normal
  • phenotypically normal
  • surface normal

  • Terms modified by Normal

  • normal activity
  • normal adult
  • normal adult brain
  • normal ageing
  • normal aging
  • normal aging process
  • normal alanine aminotransferase
  • normal allele
  • normal alt
  • normal alt level
  • normal amount
  • normal anatomy
  • normal animals
  • normal appearance
  • normal appearing white matter
  • normal approximation
  • normal architecture
  • normal area
  • normal astrocyte
  • normal atrp
  • normal baby
  • normal behavior
  • normal behaviour
  • normal birth
  • normal birthweight
  • normal bladder
  • normal blood
  • normal blood pressure
  • normal bm
  • normal bmd
  • normal bmi
  • normal body temperature
  • normal body weight
  • normal bone
  • normal bone marrow
  • normal brain
  • normal brain development
  • normal brain function
  • normal brain tissue
  • normal breast
  • normal breast tissue
  • normal c mouse
  • normal c57bl/6 mouse
  • normal cardiac function
  • normal cartilage
  • normal case
  • normal cat
  • normal cell
  • normal cell growth
  • normal cellular function
  • normal cervix
  • normal child
  • normal chow
  • normal chromosome
  • normal circumstance
  • normal cognition
  • normal colon
  • normal colonic mucosa
  • normal colonoscopy
  • normal component
  • normal concentration
  • normal condition
  • normal constituent
  • normal contact
  • normal control
  • normal control group
  • normal control subject
  • normal coordinate analysis
  • normal cornea
  • normal coronary angiogram
  • normal coronary artery
  • normal coronary flow
  • normal counterpart
  • normal course
  • normal cycle
  • normal cytogenetics
  • normal daily activity
  • normal data
  • normal derivative
  • normal development
  • normal diet
  • normal differentiation
  • normal distribution
  • normal dna
  • normal dog
  • normal donor
  • normal eating
  • normal ecg
  • normal ejection fraction
  • normal elderly
  • normal elderly subject
  • normal embryo
  • normal embryonic development
  • normal endometrium
  • normal endoscopic finding
  • normal environment
  • normal epidermis
  • normal epithelia
  • normal epithelial cell
  • normal epithelium
  • normal equation
  • normal erectile function
  • normal erythrocyte
  • normal esophageal mucosa
  • normal expression
  • normal eye
  • normal fasting glucose
  • normal fault
  • normal faulting
  • normal feeding
  • normal female
  • normal fertility
  • normal fetal development
  • normal fetuse
  • normal fibroblast
  • normal finding
  • normal flora
  • normal flow
  • normal foal
  • normal force
  • normal form
  • normal function
  • normal functioning
  • normal galaxy
  • normal gastric mucosa
  • normal girl
  • normal glucose
  • normal glucose level
  • normal glucose tolerance
  • normal graft function
  • normal granulocyte
  • normal group
  • normal groups
  • normal growth
  • normal growth and development
  • normal growth condition
  • normal healthy control
  • normal healthy donor
  • normal healthy individual
  • normal healthy subject
  • normal healthy volunteer
  • normal hearing
  • normal heart
  • normal height
  • normal hemostasi
  • normal hepatocyte
  • normal histology
  • normal homeostasi
  • normal horse
  • normal human
  • normal human brain
  • normal human bronchial epithelial cell
  • normal human cell
  • normal human dermal fibroblast
  • normal human epidermal keratinocyte
  • normal human fibroblast
  • normal human keratinocyte
  • normal human liver
  • normal human lymphocyte
  • normal human mammary epithelial cell
  • normal human osteoblast
  • normal human peripheral blood mononuclear cell
  • normal human pregnancy
  • normal human serum
  • normal human skin
  • normal human subject
  • normal human tissue
  • normal immune response
  • normal incidence
  • normal individual
  • normal infant
  • normal intelligence
  • normal joint
  • normal karyotype
  • normal keratinocyte
  • normal kidney
  • normal level
  • normal life
  • normal limit
  • normal littermate
  • normal liver
  • normal liver function
  • normal liver tissue
  • normal load
  • normal lung
  • normal lung function
  • normal lung tissue
  • normal lymphocyte
  • normal magnetic resonance imaging
  • normal male
  • normal mammary gland
  • normal man
  • normal matrix
  • normal maturation
  • normal mean
  • normal meiosis
  • normal melanocyte
  • normal metabolism
  • normal mode
  • normal mode analysis
  • normal model
  • normal monocyte
  • normal morphogenesi
  • normal morphology
  • normal mouse
  • normal mouse brain
  • normal mri
  • normal mucosa
  • normal muscle
  • normal myocardium
  • normal neonate
  • normal neurodevelopment
  • normal neurologic examination
  • normal neuron
  • normal number
  • normal nutrition
  • normal observer
  • normal older adult
  • normal ones
  • normal operating condition
  • normal operation
  • normal operations
  • normal oral mucosa
  • normal organ
  • normal organization
  • normal outcome
  • normal ovarian function
  • normal ovarian tissue
  • normal ovary
  • normal pancreas
  • normal pancreatic tissue
  • normal parenchyma
  • normal part
  • normal patient
  • normal pattern
  • normal performance
  • normal person
  • normal personality
  • normal phase
  • normal phenotype
  • normal physiological condition
  • normal physiological range
  • normal physiology
  • normal placenta
  • normal plasma
  • normal platelet
  • normal platelet count
  • normal population
  • normal position
  • normal practice
  • normal pregnancy
  • normal pregnant woman
  • normal pressure
  • normal pressure hydrocephalus
  • normal process
  • normal progression
  • normal prostate
  • normal protein
  • normal rabbits
  • normal rainfall
  • normal range
  • normal rat
  • normal rat liver
  • normal rate
  • normal reference range
  • normal reference value
  • normal regulation
  • normal renal function
  • normal response
  • normal result
  • normal retina
  • normal saline
  • normal salivary gland
  • normal salivary tissue
  • normal sample
  • normal semen parameter
  • normal sensation
  • normal sera
  • normal shape
  • normal singleton pregnancy
  • normal sinus rhythm
  • normal situation
  • normal size
  • normal skin
  • normal skin sample
  • normal sperm morphology
  • normal spermatogenesis
  • normal spermatozoa
  • normal splicing
  • normal state
  • normal stature
  • normal stem cell
  • normal stomach
  • normal strain
  • normal stress
  • normal structure
  • normal subject
  • normal synaptic transmission
  • normal t cell
  • normal temperature
  • normal tension glaucoma
  • normal test
  • normal testis
  • normal testosterone level
  • normal thickness
  • normal thymus
  • normal thyroid function
  • normal thyroid tissue
  • normal time
  • normal tissue
  • normal vaginal delivery
  • normal value
  • normal variants
  • normal variation
  • normal vector
  • normal velocity
  • normal vessel
  • normal vision
  • normal visual acuity
  • normal volume
  • normal volunteer
  • normal walking
  • normal weight
  • normal wistar rat
  • normal woman
  • normal x chromosome

  • Selected Abstracts


    SF Peek
    Although myocardial injury can be a significant component of multiple organ dysfunction (MODS) in association with septicemia in critically ill human patients, it is as yet an undefined clinical entity in equine septicemia. With septicemia as the leading cause of death in neonatal foals, a better understanding of the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of MODS will be important in further improving survival rates. We designed a prospective study to establish normal ranges for cardiac troponin I (cTnI), T (cTnT) and CKMB mass in healthy 24,48 hour old foals, as well as septicemic neonatal foals seen over a 2-year period in a teaching hospital. We also performed a comparison of these biomarkers in surviving and non-surviving septicemic foals. Sepsis was judged on the basis of the presence of any of the 3 following criteria: blood culture positive at admission, admission sepsis score ,11, or 3 or more sites of infection during hospitalization in foals ,14 days of age. cTnI was measured by the ACCESS® (Beckman Coulter), cTnT was measured using the Elecsys 2010® Immunoassay (Roche), and CKMB mass measurements were performed using the Elecsys 2010®. Each parameter was described using range and 95th and 50th percentile. Comparisons were made for each parameter between normal and septic foals as well as surviving and non-surviving septic foals using the non-parametric Wilcoxon's rank sum test. Significance was set at p<0.05. There were 52 control foals and 38 septic foals of which 22 survived. Significant differences were documented for CKMB between septicemic and normal foals, but not for cTnT or cTnI. However, CKMB and cTnT were significantly lower in surviving versus non-surviving septicemic foals. The 50th and 95th percentiles alongside the ranges for the normal foal population were 0.14, 0.49, (0.01,0.51) ,g/L for cTnI, 0.009, 0.03, (0.009,0.04) ,g/L for cTnT and 2.3, 7.4, (0.4,9.3) ,g/L for CKMB. Our findings suggest that myocardial injury is a component of MODS during septicemia in foals, and that quantitatively significant increases in CKMB and cTnT are seen in non-surviving septicemic foals versus survivors. [source]

    GETTING BY THE OCCUPATION: How Violence Became Normal during the Second Palestinian Intifada

    ABSTRACT The second Palestinian intifada against Israeli occupation, which began in September 2000, saw Palestinian areas repeatedly invaded and shelled by Israeli forces. A long history of war and targeted cities is told along the thoroughfares of Palestinian towns; memories of past battles and defeats inscribed in street signs recall massacres in places like Tel Al-Za'atar and Deir Yasin. But recent events were more important than any official marker and formed the most relevant base by which Palestinians organized their lives. Commemorative cultural production and basic acts of physically getting around that became central to the spatial and social practices by which reorientation and adaptation to violence occurred in the occupied Palestinian territories. This article analyzes the spaciotemporal, embodied, and symbolic aspects of the experience of violence, and the political significance of cultural practices whereby violence is routinized. Such an approach provides a lens onto the power of violence in Israel's colonial project in the occupied territories that neither necessitates an assumption that violence is all determining of Palestinian experience, nor a championing of every act of Palestinian survival as heroic resistance. Memorialization that occurs in storytelling, in visual culture, in the naming of places and moving through spaces is one way in which this happens. The concept of "getting by" captures the many spatial and commemorative forms by which Palestinians manage everyday survival. The kind of agency that is entailed in practices whereby people manage, get by, adapt, and the social significance of getting used to it may be somewhat nebulous and unobtrusive as it develops in the shadow of spectacular battles and bloodshed. I demonstrate that this routinization of violence in and of itself, the fact of getting by, just existing in an everyday way, is socially and politically significant in Palestine. [source]

    Single-cell image analysis to assess ABC-transporter,mediated efflux in highly purified hematopoietic progenitors

    CYTOMETRY, Issue 4 2002
    H.G.P. Raaijmakers
    Abstract Background Normal and malignant hematopoietic stem cells are characterized by their capacity to actively extrude fluorescent dyes. The contribution of different ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters to this phenomenon is largely unknown due to the small stem cell numbers limiting the use of standard methods to assess functional efflux. Methods We used epifluorescence microscopy (EFM) in combination with single-cell image analysis to study ABC-transporter,mediated efflux in highly purified, viable, CD34+CD38- cells sorted on an adhesive biolayer. P-glycoprotein and multidrug-resistant protein (MRP)-mediated efflux were quantitated using fluorescent substrates (rhodamine-123 and calcein acetoxymethyl ester [calcein-AM]) and specific inhibitors (verapamil and probenecid, respectively). Results The feasibility, sensitivity, and reproducibility of rhodamine-123 efflux quantitation using single-cell EFM was shown in cell lines and compared with standard flow cytometric assessment. P-glycoprotein,mediated transport was higher in CD34+CD38- cells than in more differentiated progenitors (mean efflux index = 2.24 ± 0.35 and 1.14 ± 0.11, respectively; P = 0.01). P-glycoprotein,mediated transport was the main determinant of the rhodamine "dull" phenotype of these cells. In addition, significant MRP-mediated efflux was demonstrated in CD34+CD38- and CD38+ cells (mean efflux index = 1.42 ± 0.19 and 1.28 ± 0.18, respectively). Conclusion The described method is a valuable tool for assessing ABC-transporter,mediated efflux in highly purified single cells. Both P-glycoprotein and MRP-mediated efflux are present in human CD34+CD38- hematopoietic stem cells. Cytometry 49:135,142, 2002. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Low prevalence of cardiac autonomic neuropathy in Type 1 diabetic patients without nephropathy

    DIABETIC MEDICINE, Issue 8 2001
    J. A. Meinhold
    Abstract Aim To assess the prevalence of cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN) in Type 1 diabetic patients with and without nephropathy. Methods Sixty-six consecutive patients without nephropathy (n = 24), with incipient (n = 26) or overt nephropathy (n = 16) and a diabetes duration between 21 and 31 years were examined. Heart rate variability (HRV) as measure for CAN was investigated with short-term spectral analysis in the low-frequency (LF) band (0.06,0.15 Hz), reflecting sympathetic and vagal activity, and high-frequency (HF) band (0.15,0.50 Hz), reflecting vagal activity. HRV was expressed as spectral power (ms2, log-transformed). Normal, age-corresponding reference values were established in 184 controls. QTc intervals and dispersion were measured. Results After adjustment for age, there was no significant difference between healthy controls and patients without nephropathy. After further adjustment for diabetes duration, HbA1c, hypertension and treatment with ,-blockers, HRV in both frequency bands decreased with evidence of nephropathy. LF band (supine): patients without nephropathy 5.56 (4.89,6.21) (least squares means and 95% confidence interval (CI)), incipient nephropathy 5.72 (5.15,6.29) and overt nephropathy 4.11 (3.27,4.96). HF band (supine): without nephropathy 5.93 (5.26,6.60), incipient nephropathy 5.99 (5.41,6.57) and overt nephropathy 4.84 (4.00,5.68). Significant differences were found for patients without and with incipient nephropathy compared with those with overt nephropathy in the LF band and between patients with incipient nephropathy compared with those with overt nephropathy in the HF band. QTc intervals and QTc dispersion increased significantly with increasing nephropathy. Conclusions Long-term Type 1 diabetes without nephropathy was not associated with impaired cardiac autonomic function in our study. However, in those with nephropathy, a loss of both vagal and sympathetic activity was present, and the severity of CAN correlated positively with more advanced nephropathy. Diabet. Med. 18, 607,613 (2001) [source]

    Accuracy of Tissue Doppler Echocardiography in the Diagnosis of New-Onset Congestive Heart Failure in Patients with Levels of B-Type Natriuretic Peptide in the Midrange and Normal Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction

    ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, Issue 8 2006
    Stephane Arques M.D.
    Background: Based on the hypothesis that it reflects left ventricular (LV) diastolic pressures, B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is largely utilized as first-line diagnostic complement in the emergency diagnosis of congestive heart failure (HF). The incremental diagnostic value of tissue Doppler echocardiography, a reliable noninvasive estimate of LV filling pressures, has been reported in patients with preserved LV ejection fraction and discrepancy between BNP levels and the clinical judgment, however, its clinical validity in such patients in the presence of BNP concentrations in the midrange, which may reflect intermediate, nondiagnostic levels of LV filling pressures, is unknown. Methods: 34 patients without history of HF, presenting with acute dyspnea at rest, BNP levels of 100,400 pg/ml and normal LV ejection fraction were prospectively enrolled (17 with congestive HF and 17 with noncardiac cause). Tissue Doppler echocardiography was performed within 3 hours after admission. Results: unlike BNP (P = 0.78), Boston criteria (P = 0.0129), radiographic pulmonary edema (P = 0.0036) and average E/Ea ratio (P = 0.0032) were predictive of congestive HF by logistic regression analysis. In this clinical setting, radiographic pulmonary edema had a positive predictive value of 80% in the diagnosis of congestive HF. In patients without evidence of radiographic pulmonary edema, average E/Ea > 10 was a powerful predictor of congestive HF (area under the ROC curve of 0.886, P < 0.001, sensitivity 100% and specificity 78.6%). Conclusion: by better reflecting LV filling pressures, bedside tissue Doppler echocardiography accurately differentiates congestive HF from noncardiac cause in dyspneic patients with intermediate, nondiagnostic BNP levels and normal LV ejection fraction. [source]

    Inhalation of Amyl Nitrite and the Measurement of Left Ventricular Outflow Velocity: Studies in Normal, Young Adults

    ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, Issue 2 2000
    Amyl nitrite inhalation is useful in the identification of patients with provocable left ventricular (LV) outflow tract obstruction. However, there are no prospective studies that assess the normal change in LV outflow velocity during this intervention. Eighteen normal subjects (mean age, 34 ± 5 years; 9 men and 9 women) inhaled amyl nitrite during measurement of LV outflow velocity. Peak velocity increased from 109 ± 16 cm/s to 144 ± 24 cm/s (P < 0.001). There were no significant gender differences in velocity measurements at baseline or at peak. Our study provides prospective data that may be useful when evaluating young adults for LV outflow tract obstruction with Doppler echocardiography during amyl nitrite inhalation. [source]

    Anagram for "Neurologic Exam: Grossly Normal"

    Jonathan Singer MD
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Natural Killer Cell Receptor+ T-Lymphocytes in Normal and Helicobacter pylori -Infected Human Gastric Mucosa

    HELICOBACTER, Issue 6 2008
    Joan O'Keeffe
    Abstract Background:,Helicobacter pylori infection is associated with development of chronic inflammation and infiltration of immune cells into the gastric mucosa. As unconventional T-lymphocytes expressing natural killer cell receptors are considered to play central roles in the immune response against infection, a study investigating their frequencies in normal and H. pylori -infected gastric mucosa was undertaken. Materials and Methods:, Flow cytometry was used to quantify T-cells expressing the natural killer cell markers CD161, CD56, and CD94 in freshly isolated lymphocytes from the epithelial and lamina propria layers of gastric mucosa. Thirteen H. pylori -positive and 24 H. pylori -negative individuals were studied. Results:, CD94+ T-cells were the most abundant (up to 40%) natural killer receptor-positive T-cell population in epithelial and lamina propria layers of H. pylori -negative gastric mucosa. CD161+ T-cells accounted for about one-third of all T-cells in both compartments, but the lowest proportion were of CD56+ T-cells. Compared with H. pylori -negative mucosa, in H. pylori -infected mucosa the numbers of CD161+ T-cells were significantly greater (p = .04) in the epithelium, whereas the numbers of CD56+ T-cells were lower (p = .01) in the lamina propria. A minor population (< 2%) of T-cells in both mucosal layers of H. pylori -negative subjects were natural killer T-cells, and whose proportions were not significantly different (p > .05) to those in H. pylori -infected individuals. Conclusions:, The predominance, heterogeneity, and distribution of natural killer cell receptor-positive T-cells at different locations within the gastric mucosa reflects a potential functional role during H. pylori infection and warrants further investigation. [source]

    Normal and abnormal secretion by haemopoietic cells

    IMMUNOLOGY, Issue 1 2001
    Jane C. Stinchcombe
    Summary The secretory lysosomes found in haemopoietic cells provide a very efficient mechanism for delivering the effector proteins of many immune cells in response to antigen recognition. Although secretion shows some similarities to the secretion of specialized granules in other secretory cell types, some aspects of secretory lysosome release appear to be unique to melanocytes and cells of the haemopoietic lineage. Mast cells and platelets have provided excellent models for studying secretion, but recent advances in characterizing the immunological synapse allow a very fine dissection of the secretory process in T lymphocytes. These studies show that secretory lysosomes are secreted from the centre of the talin ring at the synapse. Proper secretion requires a series of Rab and cytoskeletal elements which play critical roles in the specialized secretion of lysosomes in haemopoietic cells. [source]

    Temperature trends in Switzerland and Europe: implications for climate normals

    Simon C. Scherrer
    Abstract This study discusses problems of the concept of normal period,based anomalies arising from climate variability and ongoing climate change. The widely used WMO 1961,1990 (61,90) standard normal period is compared to other consecutive 30-year normal periods in detail. Focus is given to the temperature distribution in Switzerland and on the European continent. In these regions, the temperature trend of the last decades led to an unusually high number of months with positive temperature anomalies relative to the WMO 61,90 standard normal period. Swiss anomalies based on the 61,90 normal are up to 1.25 K higher than those based on the Latest 30-years Running Normal (LRN). The probability to observe a positive temperature anomaly with respect to the 61,90 normal increased from 50% to near 80% for certain months of the year. Compared to the LRN, this change is statistically significant for 7 out of the 12 months on the 95% level. The strongest signal can be found for the summer months, whereas temperatures in fall do not show any trends. Similar results are found for more than 90% of the European continental area. For most regions, 2,5 are statistically inconsistent with the 61,90 distribution. For southern France, parts of Spain and southern Scandinavia even 7,9 months are inconsistent. Copyright © 2005 Royal Meteorological Society. [source]

    Bullous variant of Sweet's syndrome

    Susanne Voelter-Mahlknecht MD
    A 69-year-old woman presented to our clinic as an emergency with erythematous, well-circumscribed plaques, which were partly vesicular, on her extremities and in her armpits, and additionally hemorrhagic blisters on both her palms and her fingers (Fig. 1a), which had developed 2 days after the first appearance of the skin lesions. The rapid onset of the lesions (within a few hours) and the pain associated with them were extremely troublesome to the patient. On admission she complained of fever, tiredness and being easily fatigued. Because of a urinary tract infection 1 month prior to admission, trospiumchloride was given. On clinical examination, body temperature was found to be above 38 °C and infraclavicular lymph nodes were enlarged but not tender. Figure 1. (a) Bullae on the patient's right hand. (b) Multiple partly confluent vesicles with neutrophilic granulocytes intraepidermally and a dense interstitial perivascular infiltration of neutrophilic granulocytes and lymphomononuclear cells (H&E, ×200) Normal or negative laboratory tests included blood counts, liver and kidney parameters, electrolytes and infection screen. Laboratory examination demonstrated minor leukocytosis and absolute neutrophilia (white blood cell count 10 440 cells/µL, neutrophils 8030 cells/µL). X-ray screening, abdominal ultrasound and laboratory investigations were all normal. There was no response to antibiotics when erythromycine was given. However, there was a good response to systemic corticosteroids. The patient was treated with a low dosage of prednisolone, beginning at 50 mg/day, which was then tapered off. Skin lesions resolved within 7 days. Histology from a lesion on the patient's left forearm showed a dense interstitial inflammatory infiltration consisting predominantly of neutrophilic granulocytes from the subepidermal layer to the middle of the reticular dermis. Inflammatory cells penetrated into both blood vessels and vessel walls; vasculitis was not prominent. In the lower dermis, perivascular infiltrations of lymphomononuclear cells were found. In addition, intraepidermally multiple partly confluent vesicles, with inclusions of neutrophilic granulocytes, were found, confirming the diagnosis of this rare variant of an acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis (Fig. 1b). [source]

    The effect of mixer properties and fill level on granular flow in a bladed mixer

    AICHE JOURNAL, Issue 2 2010
    Brenda Remy
    Abstract The discrete element method was used to study the effect of mixer properties and fill level on the granular flow of monodisperse, cohesionless spheres in a bladed mixer. For fill levels just covering the span of the blades, a three-dimensional (3-D) recirculation zone develops in front of the blades, which promotes vertical and radial mixing. Increasing fill level reduces the size of the recirculation zone, decreases bed dilation and hinders particle diffusivities. However, above a critical fill level, the behavior of the particles within the span of the blade is found to be invariant of fill level. At low-fill levels, the pressure within the particle bed varies linearly with bed height and can be approximated by hydrostatics. At higher fill levels, a constant pressure region develops within the span of the blades due to the angled pitch of the blades. Cylinder wall friction is shown to significantly influence granular behavior in bladed mixers. At low-wall friction, the 3-D recirculation zone observed for high-wall friction conditions does not develop. High-wall friction leads to an increase in convective and diffusive particle mixing. Shear stresses are shown to be a function of wall friction. Blade position along the vertical axis is shown to influence flow patterns, granular temperature and stress. The effect of increasing the mixer diameter at a constant particle diameter was also studied. When the mixer diameter is larger than a critical size such that wall effects are minimized, the observed granular behavior follows simple scaling relations. Particle velocities and diffusivities scale linearly with mixer size and blade speed. Normal and shear stress profiles are found to scale linearly with the total weight of the particle bed. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2010 [source]

    MRI of the pelvic ring joints postpartum: Normal and pathological findings

    Susanne Wurdinger MD
    Abstract Purpose To assess the joints of the pelvic ring postpartum and to discern normal postpartum findings and pathologic lesions using MRI. Materials and Methods MR images were obtained in six women with severe pelvic ring pain after delivery, in 13 women after uncomplicated vaginal delivery, and in 11 healthy, nulliparous non-pregnant volunteers. Distances of the pubic gap, signal intensities of the pubic cartilage, and signal changes of the pelvic ring bones were determined and evaluated. Results Both postpartum groups had significantly larger distances of the interpubic gap compared to the nulliparous group (P = 0.0002). The mean signal intensity of cartilage of the symphysis pubis was significantly different on the T1-weighted and T2-weighted MR images in postpartum women compared to nulliparous women (P = 0.001), indicating a higher water content of the pubic cartilage. 13 of all 19 postpartum women had bruises of parasymphyseal pubic bones. One pubic symphysis rupture and one sacral stress fracture were detected in two symptomatic women. Conclusion MR imaging is a useful adjunct to clinical examination to identify patients with lesions of the pelvic ring postpartum. MRI of the pelvic ring of asymptomatic postpartum women can demonstrate signal changes of the pubic cartilage and small bruises of the pubic bones. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2002;15:324,329. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Discrete element simulation of free flowing grains in a four-bladed mixer

    AICHE JOURNAL, Issue 8 2009
    Brenda Remy
    Abstract Numerical simulations of granular flow in a cylindrical vessel agitated by a four-blade impeller were performed using the discrete element method. Velocity, density, and stress profiles within the mixer displayed a periodic behavior with a fluctuation frequency equal to that of the blade rotation. Blade orientation was found to affect flow patterns and mixing kinetics. For an obtuse blade pitch orientation, a three-dimensional recirculation zone develops in-front of the blade due to formation of heaps where the blades are present. This flow pattern promotes vertical and radial mixing. No recirculation zone was observed when the blade orientation was changed to an acute blade pitch. The system's frictional characteristics are shown to strongly influence the granular behavior within the mixer. At low friction coefficients, the 3-D recirculation in front of the obtuse blade is not present reducing convective mixing. Higher friction coefficients lead to an increase in granular temperature which is associated with an increase in diffusive mixing. Normal and shear stresses were found to vary with mixer height with maximum values near the bottom plate. Additionally, a strong dependence between the magnitude of the shear stresses and the friction coefficient of the particles was found. The stress tensor characteristics indicate that the granular flow in our simulations occurs in the quasi-static regime. At the same time, the averaged pressure was found to vary linearly with bed height and could be predicted by a simple hydrostatic approximation. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2009 [source]

    Changes in Expression of the Genes for the Leptin Receptor and the Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptide/Ghrelin Receptor in the Hypothalamic Arcuate Nucleus with Long-Term Manipulation of Adiposity by Dietary Means

    Y. Kurose
    Abstract Changes in leptin and ghrelin levels occur with alterations in adiposity, but signalling may be affected by levels of the relevant receptors. We measured expression of the leptin receptor (Ob-Rb) and the ghrelin/growth hormone releasing peptide receptor (GHS-R) in the arcuate nucleus of sheep held at either high or low levels of adiposity. Plasma growth hormone (GH) levels were lower in Fat animals and higher in Lean animals. Plasma insulin and leptin levels were higher in Fat animals and lower in Lean animals. Frozen hypothalamic sections of arcuate nucleus were extracted and mRNA levels measured for mRNA for Ob-Rb and GHS-R. Gene expression for both Ob-Rb and GHS-R was higher in Lean animals than in Fat animals, with no difference in expression between Fat and Normal animals. A second group of animals (n = 4 per group) was used for double-labelling immunohistochemistry to determine whether the increase in Ob-Rb gene expression was translated into Ob-Rb protein and to ascertain whether this effect is localised to the cells of the arcuate nucleus that produce either neuropeptide Y (NPY) and/or pro-opiomelanocortin-derived peptides. Lean animals displayed a 255% increase in immunoreactive NPY cells (P < 0.005), a 167% increase in cells with Ob-Rb (P < 0.037) protein and a 344% increase in cells that were staining for both NPY and Ob-Rb (P < 0.02). There was no difference between the Normal and Lean animals in the number of cells that were detected with an adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) antibody or the number of ACTH-immunoreactive cells that also stained for Ob-Rb. Finally, we measured plasma ghrelin levels in Normal, Fat and Lean ewes (n = 4/group); levels were higher (P < 0.05) in Fat animals than in Lean animals. We conclude that lowering body weight leads to increased expression of Ob-Rb, ghrelin/GHS-R expression and proportion of NPY cells that express Ob-Rb in the arcuate nucleus. This may be an adaptive mechanism to increase responsivity to both leptin and ghrelin. [source]

    Directed Attention in Normal and High-Risk Pregnancy

    Mary Ann Stark
    Objective:, To compare the ability to direct attention in women having a high-risk pregnancy with those having an uncomplicated pregnancy. Design:, Descriptive comparative. Setting:, A tertiary-care hospital. Participants:, Women in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy receiving care from perinatologists were recruited for this study and comprised the high-risk group (n= 67). Women in their 3rd trimester of pregnancy with uncomplicated pregnancies and enrolled in prenatal classes were the comparison group (n= 57). Main outcome measures:, Objective measures of directed attention included digit span forward, digit span backward, Trailmaking A, and Trailmaking B. Subjective measures included the Attentional Function Index and Mental Effort in Tasks. Results:, Women having a complicated pregnancy had significantly more difficulty directing attention on all measures than women having normal pregnancies. When all covariates were considered, women having a high-risk pregnancy had significantly more difficulty directing attention as measured by Trailmaking A, Trailmaking B, and Mental Effort in Tasks. Conclusions:, Women having high-risk pregnancies may have more difficulty with activities that require directed attention than women having normal pregnancies. Learning new information and skills, problem solving, and planning may require additional effort for women having complicated pregnancies. JOGNN, 35, 241-249; 2006. DOI: 10.1111/J.1552-6909.2006.00035.x [source]

    Dimensions of Normal and Abnormal Personality: Elucidating DSM-IV Personality Disorder Symptoms in Adolescents

    Noor B. Tromp
    ABSTRACT The present study aimed to elucidate dimensions of normal and abnormal personality underlying DSM-IV personality disorder (PD) symptoms in 168 adolescents referred to mental health services. Dimensions derived from the Big Five of normal personality and from Livesley's (2006) conceptualization of personality pathology were regressed on interview-based DSM-IV PD symptom counts. When examined independently, both models demonstrated significant levels of predictive power at the higher order level. However, when added to the higher order Big Five dimensions, Livesley's higher and lower order dimensions afforded a supplementary contribution to the understanding of dysfunctional characteristics of adolescent PDs. In addition, they contributed to a better differentiation between adolescent PDs. The present findings suggest that adolescent PDs are more than extreme, maladaptive variants of higher order normal personality traits. Adolescent PDs seem to encompass characteristics that may be more completely covered by dimensions of abnormal personality. Developmental issues and implications of the findings are discussed. [source]

    Normal and Abnormal Personality Traits: Evidence for Genetic and Environmental Relationships in the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart

    Kristian E. Markon
    ABSTRACT Recent studies have demonstrated substantial correlations between normal and abnormal personality traits. Yet little is known about how these correlations are mediated genetically and environmentally: Do normal and abnormal personality traits stem from the same underlying genes and environments? We addressed this question using data from 128 monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs in the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart (MISTRA). Additive genetic and nonshared environmental correlations between scales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI),an index of abnormal personality,and the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ),an index of normal personality,were estimated. Results indicated that phenotypic correlations between normal and abnormal personality were mediated by genetic as well as environmental factors, although the magnitude of genetic mediation tended to be larger overall. Moreover, the patterns of phenotypic, genetic, and environmental relationships among the scales were similar, suggesting that influences on normal and abnormal personality act through systems common to both. It is suggested that future research focus on the neurogenetic substrates of these shared systems and how dysfunction in these systems influences development of disordered personality. [source]

    Comparison of HPLC enantioseparation of substituted binaphthyls on CD-, polysaccharide- and synthetic polymer-based chiral stationary phases

    Lucie Loukotková
    Abstract Retention and enantioseparation behavior of ten 2,2,-disubstituted or 2,3,2,-trisubstituted 1,1,-binaphthyls and 8,3,-disubstituted 1,2,-binaphthyls, which are used as catalysts in asymmetric synthesis, was investigated on eight chiral stationary phases (CSPs) based on ,-CD, polysaccharides (tris(3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate) cellulose or amylose CSPs) and new synthetic polymers (trans -1,2-diamino-cyclohexane, trans -1,2-diphenylethylenediamine and trans -9,10-dihydro-9,10-ethanoanthracene-(11S,12S)-11,12-dicarboxylic acid CSPs). Normal-, reversed-phase and polar-organic separation modes were employed. The effect of the mobile phase composition was examined. The enantiomeric separation of binaphthyl derivatives, which possess quite similar structures, was possible in different enantioselective environments. The substituents and their positions on the binaphthyl skeleton affect their properties and, as a consequence, the separation system suitable for their enantioseparation. In general, the presence of ionizable groups on the binaphthyl skeleton, substitution with non-identical groups and a chiral axis in the 1,2, position had the greatest impact on the enantiomeric discrimination. The 8,3,-disubstituted 1,2,-binaphthyl derivatives were the most easily separated compounds in several separation systems. From all the chiral stationary phases tested, cellulose-based columns were shown to be the most convenient for enantioseparation of the studied analytes. However, the polymeric CSPs with their complementary behavior provided good enantioselective environments for some derivatives that could be hardly separated in any other chromatographic system. [source]

    Serum IgM Concentrations in Normal, Fit Horses and Horses with Lymphoma or Other Medical Conditions

    G.A. Perkins
    The purposes of this study were to (1) prospectively establish serum IgM and IgG concentrations in normal, fit, adult horses over time and (2) determine the accuracy of serum IgM concentrations for diagnosing lymphoma. Serial IgM and IgG concentrations were measured with a radial immunodiffusion assay in 25 regularly exercised horses at 6-week intervals. Horses had serum IgM concentrations ranging from 50 to 242 mg/dL over 5 months, with 20% of horses having IgM , 60 mg/dL. The normal range for IgM in fit horses should be considered 103 ± 40 mg/dL and a cut-point for an IgM deficiency, ,23 mg/dL. IgG concentrations ranged from 1,372 to 3,032 mg/dL. Retrospectively, medical records of adult horses (n = 103) admitted to the Cornell University Hospital for Animals for which serum IgM was measured were examined. Horses were categorized as "lymphoma negative" (n = 34) or "lymphoma positive" (n = 18). The sensitivity and specificity of a serum IgM concentration (,60 mg/dL) for detecting equine lymphoma was 50 and 35%, respectively. At the new cut-point (,23 mg/dL), the sensitivity was low at 28% and the specificity improved to 88%. The negative predictive values at various population prevalences indicate that a horse with a high serum IgM (>23 mg/dL) is unlikely to have lymphoma, whereas the positive predictive value (70%) does not allow for reliable determination of lymphoma in a horse with serum IgM , 23 mg/dL. Therefore, serum IgM concentrations should not be used as a screening test for equine lymphoma. [source]

    Ethnic variation in lower oesophageal sphincter pressure and length

    K. J. VEGA
    Summary Background, Oesophageal manometry (OM) is used to diagnose oesophageal motor disorders. Normal values of OM among United States ethnic groups are only available for Hispanic Americans (HA). Aim, To obtain normal values of OM in adult African American (AA) volunteers, compare these with those obtained in HA and non-Hispanic white (nHw) volunteers to determine if ethnic variation in normal oesophageal motor function exists. Methods, Healthy AA, HA and nHw were recruited from the Jacksonville metropolitan area. Ethnicity was self-reported. Exclusion criteria were symptoms suggestive of oesophageal disease, medication use or concurrent illness affecting OM. All underwent OM using a solid-state system with wet swallows. Resting lower oesophageal sphincter (LOS) pressure and LOS length were measured at mid-expiration, while per cent peristaltic contractions, distal oesophageal contraction velocity, amplitude and duration were measured after 5 cc water swallows. Results, Fifty-six AA, 20 HA and 48 nHw were enrolled. All completed OM. AA had significantly higher resting LOS pressure, LOS length and distal oesophageal contraction duration than nHw (P < 0.05). Conclusions, Significant ethnic exist in OM findings between AA and nHw. These underscore the need for ethnic specific reference values for OM to allow for correct diagnosis of oesophageal motor disorders in AA. [source]

    Normal and Lateral Deformation of Lyotropically Ordered Polymer Brush

    Alexey A. Polotsky
    Abstract Summary: Planar polymer brush formed by semirigid chains of freely jointed rigid segments and immersed into a solvent is considered. Brush collapse induced by deterioration of the solvent quality and its deformation by external normal or lateral force is studied. It is demonstrated that these three different situations can be described in the framework of the common approach. It is shown that the collapse is accompanied by liquid-crystalline (LC) ordering within the brush. The LC transition can be jump-like (the first order) or continuous, depending on the segment's aspect ratio and grafting density. Transition point is investigated in detail, the corresponding phase diagrams are calculated. It is shown that the phase diagrams of a normally deformed brush have different structures, with a narrow ,leg' in the good solvent region for sparsely grafted brush, with two coexistence regions and a triple point, in addition, for shorter segment length or without these features if the chains are densely grafted. For the laterally deformed brush, phase diagrams have similar structures with a critical point in the good solvent regime. Polymer brush subjected to deformation by normal (top) and lateral (bottom) external force. [source]

    Real-time single-heartbeat fast strain-encoded imaging of right ventricular regional function: Normal versus chronic pulmonary hypertension,

    Monda L. Shehata
    Abstract Patients with pulmonary hypertension and suspected right ventricular (RV) dysfunction often have dyspnea at rest, making reliable assessment of RV function using traditional breath-holding methods difficult to perform. Using single-heartbeat fast strain encoding (Fast-SENC) imaging, peak systolic RV circumferential and longitudinal strains were measured in 11 healthy volunteers and 11 pulmonary hypertension patients. Fast-SENC RV longitudinal strain and circumferential strain measurements were compared to conventional SENC and MR tagging, respectively. Fast-SENC circumferential and longitudinal RV shortening correlated closely with SENC measurements (r = 0.86, r = 0.90, P < 0.001 for all). Circumferential strain, by conventional tagging, showed moderate correlation with Fast-SENC in pulmonary hypertension patients only (r = 0.5, P = 0.003). A nonuniform pattern of RV circumferential shortening was depicted in both groups. Peak systolic circumferential strain was significantly reduced at the basal RV in pulmonary hypertension patients (,18.06 ± 3.3 versus ,21.9 ± 1.9, P < 0.01) compared to normal individuals, while peak systolic longitudinal strain was significantly reduced at all levels (P < 0.01 for all). Fast-SENC is a feasible and reliable technique for rapid quantification of RV regional function in a single-heartbeat acquisition. Information derived from Fast-SENC allows characterization of RV regional function in normal individuals and in pulmonary hypertension patients. Magn Reson Med, 2010. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Regional daily maximum rainfall estimation for Cekerek Watershed by L-moments

    Kadri Yurekli
    Abstract The estimation of maximum daily rainfall (PDmax) is usually required for the estimation of design flood (the maximum flood that any hydraulic structure can safely pass). However, PDmax estimation is usually required for watersheds where rainfall data are either not available or only available in short periods from various sites and so are unsuitable for maximum daily rainfall estimation. In this study, the regional PDmax of the Cekerek watershed in Turkey is estimated using the method of l-moments using 17 rainfall stations in the region. The discordant test for outlier stations showed no discordant station in the region. Applying the homogeneity measure, Hi, the homogeneous region was identified. To find the best regional distribution, the ZDIST goodness-of-fit test was applied. This test introduced two distributions as the candidates for regional parent distributions; Generalized Extreme Values (GEV) and 3-parameter Log Normal (LOGN3) distributions. The LOGN3 distribution was selected as the best regional distribution as it has the smaller absolute value of the statistics (ZDIST) based on the goodness-of-fit-test. Copyright © 2009 Royal Meteorological Society [source]

    The Role of the Extracellular Matrix in Tissue Distribution of Macromolecules in Normal and Pathological Tissues: Potential Therapeutic Consequences

    MICROCIRCULATION, Issue 4 2008
    Helge Wiig
    ABSTRACT The interstitial space is a dynamic microenvironment that consists of interstitial fluid and structural molecules of the extracellular matrix, such as glycosaminoglycans (hyaluronan and proteoglycans) and collagen. Macromolecules can distribute in the interstitium only in those spaces unoccupied by structural components, a phenomenon called interstitial exclusion. The exclusion phenomenon has direct consequences for plasma volume regulation. Early studies have assigned a major role to collagen as an excluding agent that accounts for the sterical (geometrical) exclusion. More recently, it has been shown that the contribution of negatively charged glycosaminoglycans might also be significant, resulting in an additional electrostatical exclusion effect. This charge effect may be of importance for drug uptake and suggests that either the glycosaminoglycans or the net charge of macromolecular substances to be delivered may be targeted to increase the available volume and uptake of macromolecular therapeutic agents in tumor tissue. Here, we provide an overview of the structural components of the interstitium and discuss the importance the sterical and electrostatical components have on the dynamics of transcapillary fluid exchange. [source]

    Hydrogen Peroxide-Dependent Arteriolar Dilation in Contracting Muscle of Rats Fed Normal and High Salt Diets

    MICROCIRCULATION, Issue 8 2007
    Paul J. Marvar
    ABSTRACT Objective: High dietary salt intake decreases the arteriolar dilation associated with skeletal muscle contraction. Because hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) can be released from contracting muscle fibers, this study was designed to assess the possible contribution of H2O2 to skeletal muscle functional hyperemia and its sensitivity to dietary salt. Methods: The authors investigated the effect of catalase treatment on arteriolar dilation and hyperemia in contracting spinotrapezius muscle of rats fed a normal salt (0.45%, NS) or high salt (4%, HS) diet for 4 weeks. Catalase-sensitive 2,,7,-dichlorofluorescein (DCF) fluorescence was measured as an index of H2O2 formation, and the mechanism of arteriolar dilation to H2O2 was probed in each group using pharmacological inhibitors. Results: DCF fluorescence increased with muscle contraction, but not if catalase was present. Catalase also reduced arteriolar dilation and hyperemia during contraction in both dietary groups. Exogenous H2O2 dilated arterioles in both groups, with greater responses in HS rats. Guanylate cyclase inhibition did not affect arteriolar responses to H2O2 in either group, but KCa or KATP channel inhibition equally reduced these responses, and KATP channel inhibition equally reduced functional hyperemia in both groups. Conclusions: These results indicate that locally produced H2O2 contributes to arteriolar dilation and hyperemia in contracting skeletal muscle, and that the effect of H2O2 on arteriolar tone in this vascular bed is mediated largely through K+ channel activation. High dietary salt intake does not reduce the contribution of H2O2 to active hyperemia, or alter the mechanism through which H2O2 relaxes arteriolar smooth muscle. [source]

    Modeling and Simulation of Notional Future Radar in Non-Standard Propagation Environments Facilitated by Mesoscale Numerical Weather Prediction Modeling

    Normal near surface radio-frequency (RF) propagation in the littorals across the land,sea boundary is rare due to the land,sea temperature difference, coastline shape, ground cover, urban density, coastal topography, and soil moisture content. The resulting frequent existence of coastal non-standard vertical profiles of refractivity and the resulting RF propagation has a profound impact on the performance of Navy ship-borne radars operating within 100 nm of the shore. In addition, these non-standard RF propagation conditions are spatio-temporally inhomogeneous. These spatial and time dependent propagation conditions and the resulting radar engineering implications cannot be revealed by a single vertical profile of refractivity taken near the ship borne radar. The results from single profile analysis techniques provide no spatiotemporal information and may lead to overly conservative radar design. Mesoscale numerical weather prediction (NWP) is a rapidly maturing technology with a strong operational Navy history that can provide a vertical profile of refractivity every 1 km in the battle space and every hour, up to 48 h, in the future. The Sensor Division at NSWCDD has applied mesoscale NWP for the last 2 years to better understand the performance of prototype radar in realistic four-dimensional (4D) coastal environments. Modern RF parabolic equation models are designed to model specific radar designs and to employ 3D refractivity fields from mesoscale NWP models. This allows for a radar design to be tested in realistic littoral non-standard atmospheres produced by stable internal boundary layers, sea breeze events, and the more rare sub-refractive events. Mesoscale NWP is currently qualitative for this purpose, but a research and development program focused on sea testing of prototype radars is described with the purpose of developing a more quantitative mesoscale NWP technology to support radar acquisition, testing, and operations. [source]

    The peripheral sympathetic nervous system in human obesity

    OBESITY REVIEWS, Issue 1 2001
    M. A. van Baak
    Summary The peripheral sympathetic nervous system is a key factor in the regulation of energy balance in humans. Differences in sympathetic nervous system activity may contribute to variations in 24 h energy expenditure between individuals. ,-Adrenoceptors play a more important role than ,-adrenoceptors in this regulation. The involvement of both ,1-and ,2-adrenoceptor subtypes has been demonstrated, the role of the ,3-adrenoceptor subtype is not yet clear. Normal or increased levels of sympathetic nervous system activity and reduced reactivity appear to be present in established obesity. Furthermore, the sensitivity for ,-adrenoceptor stimulation is impaired in obesity. The blunted reactivity and sensitivity may contribute to the maintenance of the obese state. There are data to suggest that they may also play a role in the aetiology of obesity, because the impairments often remain after weight reduction. Furthermore, a negative correlation between baseline sympathetic nervous system activity and weight gain during follow-up has been found in Pima Indians. Recently, genetic evidence about the involvement of adrenoceptors in obesity has become available. Although the results of association and linkage studies on polymorphisms in the ,2-, ,3- and ,2-adrenoceptor genes are inconsistent, the functional correlates of some of these polymorphisms (changes in agonist-promoted down-regulation, protein expression levels, lipolytic sensitivity, basal metabolic rate, sympathetic nervous system activity) suggest that they may be important in the aetiology of obesity. [source]

    Efficacy of Single Lead VDD Pacing in Patients with Impaired and Normal Left Ventricular Function

    Atrial synchronous ventricular pacing seems to be the best pacing mode for patients with advanced AV block and impaired LV function. The long-term follow-up of single lead VDD pacing was studied in 33 patients with impaired LV function and compared to 42 patients with normal LV function. All patients received the same VDD lead and VDDR pacemaker. The lead model with 13-cm AV spacing between the atrial and ventricular electrode was implanted in 89% of the patients. Follow-ups were 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after implantation. The percentage of atrial sensing and the P wave amplitude were determined at each follow-up. Minimal P wave amplitude at implantation was 2.0 ± 1.4 mV in patients with impaired and 1.7 ± 0.9 mV with normal LV function (not significant). At the 12-month follow-up, 33 patients with normal and 23 patients with depressed LV function remained paced in the VDD mode. The remaining patients died in five (impaired LV function) and seven cases (normal LV function) or their pacemakers were programmed to the VVI/VVIR pacing mode in four (impaired LV function) and three cases (normal LV function). P wave amplitude did not differ in the two groups (e.g., at month 12: impaired: 1.17 ± 0.42 mV; normal: 1.09 ± 0.49 mV). The atrial sensitivity was programmed in most patients to sensitive settings with no differences between the two groups (e.g., at month 12: impaired: 0.13 ± 0.06 mV; normal: 0.13 ± 0.05 m V). The diagnostic counters indicated nearly permanent atrial sensing (e.g., at month 12: impaired: 99.3 ± 2.2%; normal: 99.0 ± 1.0 mV). In conclusions, single lead VDD pacing restored AV synchronous ventricular pacing in patients with normal and with impaired LV function indicating that it could be an alternative to DDD pacemakers, but not to dual-chamber pacing. [source]

    Longitudinal changes in lung function and somatic growth in children with sickle cell disease,

    Anastassios C. Koumbourlis MD
    Abstract Background We studied the changes in the patterns of lung function and somatic growth over time in children and adolescents (10.6,±,3.5 years at first test) with hemoglobin SS (Hb-SS) sickle cell disease (SCD). Methods Lung function and somatic growth were measured twice with an interval of 42.3,±,23.3 months in 45 children (25 females and 20 males) with Hb-SS SCD. Results The lung volumes slightly decreased but remained borderline normal in both tests. All spirometric indices were within the normal range but significantly decreased (P,<,0.001) at the time of the second test indicating development of lower airway obstruction (forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1): 87,±,21 vs. 80,±,15; FEV1/forced vital capacity (FVC): 89,±,7 vs. 85,±,6; FEF25,75: 89,±,32 vs. 76,±,24). "Normal" pattern of lung function was initially found in 56% of the patients, but in only 29% in the second test. In contrast, those with "obstructive" pattern increased from 22 to 44%, and those with "restrictive" pattern from 22 to 27%. There was no association between history of asthma and pattern of lung function. "Normal" Body Mass Index (BMI) was found in 64% of the patients, whereas 13% had "High" BMI and 22% "Low" BMI. The two latter patterns were associated with abnormal lung function but only patients with normal BMI showed actual decline overtime. Conclusion SCD is characterized by a predominantly obstructive pattern of lung function that increases in prevalence over time. There was no apparent causal relationship between the pattern of somatic growth and the pattern of lung function. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2007; 42:483,488. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]