Net Influx (net + influx)

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Selected Abstracts

The KCl cotransporter, KCC2, is highly expressed in the vicinity of excitatory synapses in the rat hippocampus

A. I. Gulyás
Abstract Immunocytochemical visualization of the neuron-specific K+/Cl, cotransporter, KCC2, at the cellular and subcellular level revealed an area- and layer-specific diffuse labelling, and a discrete staining outlining the somata and dendrites of some interneurons in all areas of the rat hippocampus. KCC2 was highly expressed in parvalbumin-containing interneurons, as well as in subsets of calbindin, calretinin and metabotropic glutamate receptor 1a-immunoreactive interneurons. During the first 2 postnatal weeks, an increase of KCC2 staining was observed in the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus, correlating temporally with the arrival of entorhinal cortical inputs. Subcellular localization demonstrated KCC2 in the plasma membranes. Immunoreactivity in principal cells was responsible for the diffuse staining found in the neuropil. In these cells, KCC2 was detected primarily in dendritic spine heads, at the origin of spines and, at a much lower level on the somata and dendritic shafts. KCC2 expression was considerably higher in the somata and dendrites of interneurons, most notably of parvalbumin-containing cells, as well as in the thorny excrescences of CA3 pyramidal cells and in the spines of spiny hilar and stratum lucidum interneurons. The data indicate that KCC2 is highly expressed in the vicinity of excitatory inputs in the hippocampus, perhaps in close association with extrasynaptic GABAA receptors. A high level of excitation is known to lead to a simultaneous net influx of Na+ and Cl,, as evidenced by dendritic swelling. KCC2 located in the same microenvironment may provide a Cl, extrusion mechanism to deal with both ion and water homeostasis in addition to its role in setting the driving force of Cl, currents involved in fast postsynaptic inhibition. [source]

The Complementary Membranes Forming the Blood-Brain Barrier

IUBMB LIFE, Issue 3 2002
Richard A. Hawkins
Abstract Brain capillary endothelial cells form the blood-brain barrier. They are connected by extensive tight junctions, and are polarized into luminal (blood-facing) and abluminal (brain-facing) plasma membrane domains. The polar distribution of transport proteins allows for active regulation of brain extracellular fluid. Experiments on isolated membrane vesicles from capillary endothelial cells of bovine brain demonstrated the polar arrangement of amino acid and glucose transporters, and the utility of such arrangements have been proposed. For instance, passive carriers for glutamine and glutamate have been found only in the luminal membrane of blood-brain barrier cells, while Na-dependent secondary active transporters are at the abluminal membrane. This organization could promote the net removal of nitrogen-rich amino acids from brain, and account for the low level of glutamate penetration into the central nervous system. Furthermore, the presence of a ,-glutamyl cycle at the luminal membrane and Na-dependent amino acid transporters at the abluminal membrane may serve to modulate movement of amino acids from blood-to-brain. Passive carriers facilitate amino acid transport into brain. However, activation of the ,-glutamyl cycle by increased plasma amino acids is expected to generate oxoproline within the blood-brain barrier. Oxoproline stimulates secondary active amino acid transporters (Systems A and B o,+ ) at the abluminal membrane, thereby reducing net influx of amino acids to brain. Finally, passive glucose transporters are present in both the luminal and abluminal membranes of the blood-brain barrier. Interestingly, a high affinity Na-dependent glucose carrier has been described only in the abluminal membrane. This raises the question whether glucose entry may be regulated to some extent. Immunoblotting studies suggest more than one type of passive glucose transporter exist in the blood-brain barrier, each with an asymmetrical distribution. In conclusion, it is now clear that the blood-brain barrier participates in the active regulation of brain extracellular fluid, and that the diverse functions of each plasma membrane domain contributes to these regulatory functions. [source]

Mechanisms of population regulation in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta: an experimental study

Eldridge S. Adams
Summary 1We tested for density-dependent regulation of biomass in a population of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta and examined the mechanisms of population recovery following replicated colony removals. 2,All colonies were killed within the core area (1018 m2) of six plots, while six additional plots served as undisturbed controls. Over the next 5 years, colonies were mapped several times per year and the biomass of each colony was estimated from the volume of the nest-mound. 3,The average biomass and density of colonies within the removal areas gradually converged on those of control plots and were no longer detectably different after two years. Thereafter, ant biomass on experimental and control plots showed nearly identical seasonal and yearly fluctuations. 4Territories of colonies surrounding the removal areas rapidly expanded following the deaths of neighbours, while average territory size on control plots showed little short-term change. 5,Significantly more new colonies were established within core areas of experimental plots than within core areas of control plots during the first year following removals. 6,The per-colony probability of movement and the net influx of colony biomass were significantly higher in central regions of the experimental plots than in control plots during the first year. The directions of colony movements were clustered towards the centres of experimental plots in the first 2 years, but did not show significant directional trends on control plots. 7,In all 5 years of the study, annual mortality rates were lower for larger colonies, but the size-specific risk of mortality was not significantly affected by the experimental removal of competitors. 8,The growth rates of colonies, adjusted for initial size, were significantly higher in central regions of experimental plots than in control plots during the first two years of the study. In all years, colony growth rates declined with increasing colony size. 9,These results indicate that populations of S. invicta are regulated by competition among neighbouring colonies. Due to large intraspecific variation in colony size, the dynamics of ant populations are described more accurately by measures of total ant biomass than by colony density alone. [source]

Targeted sugar provision promotes parasitism of the cereal leaf beetle Oulema melanopus

Edward W. Evans
1Parasitoids may often lack access to sugar (e.g. floral nectar) in agricultural settings. Strategically timed spraying of host plants with sugar solution may provide one means of enhancing parasitism at the same time as minimizing nontarget effects (e.g. benefiting the pest itself). 2Sucrose was sprayed in wheat fields of northern Utah (U.S.A.) to assess the effects on parasitism of the cereal leaf beetle Oulema melanopus by the larval parasitoid Tetrastichus julis. 3Early-season sugar provisioning, when larvae of the pest were first hatching and parasitoid adults were newly emerged, did not affect the numbers of cereal leaf beetle larvae that matured in treated plots but increased parasitism rates of beetle larvae by four-fold in 2006 and by seven-fold in 2007. 4No net influx of adult parasitoids into plots was detected after the application of sugar. Locally-emerging parasitoids may have spent less time searching for their own food needs versus hosts. A laboratory experiment also confirmed that access to sucrose significantly increased parasitoid longevity. 5The field experimental results obtained demonstrate that applications of sugar, implemented to target a key time of the growing season when benefits are maximized for parasitoids and minimized for their hosts, can strongly promote parasitism of the cereal leaf beetle in wheat fields. [source]