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Selected Abstracts

Use of Hyaluronidase in the Treatment of Granulomatous Hyaluronic Acid Reactions or Unwanted Hyaluronic Acid Misplacement

Harold J. Brody MD
Background. In the past, reactions or misplacement of soft tissue fillers has been fraught with anxiety because time has been the main thrust for improvement in spite of ancillary treatments. Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that dissolves hyaluronic acid in the skin and also assists in the management of granulomatous foreign-body reactions to hyaluronic acid. These reactions may be caused by allergy to the material or immunologic response to the protein contaminants in the hyaluronic acid preparations. Dissolution of material in erroneous placement of material and in allergic reactions can be a time saver and a deterrent to patient dissatisfaction. Objective. To evaluate the use of hyaluronidase in the treatment of both allergic reactions and the erroneous misplacement of hyaluronic acid in the skin. Methods. A case of persistent granulomatous reaction to injectable hyaluronic acid and a case of hyaluronic acid erroneous misplacement with their successful subsequent treatments using intracutaneous hyaluronidase are reported, along with illustrative examples of hyaluronidase use. Results. The use of hyaluronidase reduced the patient discomfort within 24 to 48 hours, deterring any patient anxiety or patient dissatisfaction. Conclusions. Hyaluronidase has a place in the treatment of allergic reactions to hyaluronidase and in the erroneous misplacement of the material. [source]

Commentary: Accounting Schism or Synthesis?

A Challenge for the Conditional-Normative Approach
ABSTRACT This paper explains the conditional-normative accounting methodology (CoNAM) and its origin, offering a comparison of the normative, positive, and conditional-normative approaches. It also discusses the difference between the pragmatic versus a more scientific treatment of CoNAM. However, the main thrust of the paper is directed toward the schism in academic accounting between the positive accounting theory (PAT) and the critical interpretive view (CIV). To better understand CIV, the paper attempts to explain the philosophic roots that reach from Husserl and some Marxist writers to Foucault, Derrida, and Baudrillard. This schism seems to call for a new synthesis that avoids extreme positions but draws upon insights from both camps. In this search, CoNAM might be helpful by exploring means-end relations and connecting value judgements to accounting theory in a fairly "objective" way. [source]

Challenges and trends in bioseparations

Juan A Asenjo
Abstract In this paper the issues and challenges presented 15 years ago for performing efficient separation processes for recombinant proteins are revised and discussed. Competitive advantage in production was seen as not only dependent on innovations in molecular biology and other areas of basic biological sciences but also on innovation of separations and downstream processes. The trend to develop techniques that exploit fundamental physicochemical principles more efficiently was emphasized, including analysis of the physicochemical properties of proteins and its relation to efficiency in bioseparation. 15 years ago the main thrust was also focused on the development of novel techniques. Clearly the challenges faced today, where highly optimized and efficient production processes exist, are dramatically different. The use of mathematical models for optimizing chromatographic separations and simplifying validation of such operations is extremely advantageous. Their use constitutes an example of how the challenges that bioseparations are facing and will be facing within the next few years can be met. Such models should be extended to a larger number of proteins, chromatographic procedures and experimental conditions. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry [source]

Policies to Reconcile Labor Force Participation and Childbearing in the European Union

Article first published online: 26 JUN 200
A recently published report commissioned by the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the European Commission reviews "reconciliation" policies in 30 European countries. Such policies are defined by the report in its title as measures that foster "reconciliation of work and private life" or, more elaborately in the body of the report, as "policies that directly support the combination of professional, family and private life." In this context work means gainful employment, while private life in effect means childbearing. The countries covered are those of the EU 25, two candidate countries (Bulgaria and Romania), and three countries that are part of the European Economic Area (Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein). The report, not formally endorsed by the Commission, was prepared by the EU Expert Group on Gender, Social Inclusion and Employment. Each of the 30 countries was represented by at least one expert. The 96-page report identifies four types of reconciliation policies: childcare services, leave facilities, flexible working-time arrangements, and financial allowances. Descriptions of these policies from the Executive Summary are reproduced below. The full report is accessible at «». Although the report makes passing reference to below-replacement fertility in the EU member countries, its focus is clearly directed to measures that could increase the rate of employment, especially female employment. According to the EU's "Lisbon targets" set in 2000, the female employment rate in the EU should be raised to 60 percent of the working-age population by 2010. Based on data for 2003, only eight EU countries have met or exceeded this target. Childbearing is seen as in part responsible for the shortfall. Reconciliation policies could make the Lisbon target for female employment more easily achievable and "especially stimulate full time participation." Furthermore, the report suggests, such policies, as a byproduct, could also enhance fertility. Financial allowances, paid directly to families with children, the fourth type of policy discussed by the report, include measures reminiscent of the main thrust of the newly announced proposals for increasing fertility in Russia (see the preceding Documents item in this issue). The report, however, makes no reference to differentiation by parity, a distinctive mark of pronatalist intent. Indeed, it specifies that "family-based tax concessions and family allowances are not part of the reconciliation policy per se," noting, with an apparent element of disapproval, that such provisions "are often based on (and may reinforce the notion of) a traditional breadwinner model by reducing the incentive to work for both spouses." [source]

Chemischer Apparatebau im Aufbruch?

E. Weiß Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Abstract Die ACHEMA stellt eine eindrucksvolle Leistungsschau des Apparatebaus dar, die im engen Zusammenhang mit den epochalen Entwicklungen der Verfahrens- und Prozesstechnik steht. Dies ist ein günstiger Zeitpunkt, um über die Entwicklungschancen nachzudenken. Der Großanlagenbau hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten eine beträchtliche Korrektur erfahren, was sich besonders auf den deutschen Apparatebau ausgewirkt hat. Wirtschaftliche Zwänge lieferten einen zusätzlichen Anstoß für einen beachtlichen Schrumpfungsprozess. Der Apparatebau muss sich in der Zukunft auf zwei Standbeine konzentrieren: Hochqualifizierte Standardapparate und neuartige Produkte, die im engen Zusammenwirken mit der Verfahrenstechnik entwickelt werden müssen, um für neue Technologien und Prozessstrategien die erforderliche Hardware auf den Markt zu bringen. Der Beitrag nennt Gebiete, in denen sich der allgemeine technische Fortschritt manifestiert, aber auch aus der apparatetechnischen Sicht werden Anstöße vermittelt, wie ein gehobenes Qualitätsniveau der Produkte erreicht werden kann. Hierbei handelt es sich durchaus um Eigenschaften, die sich letztlich im wirtschaftlichen Ergebnis niederschlagen. Chemical Apparatus Engineering at a Turning Point? The ACHEMA conference is the leading international exhibition on chemical-apparatus engineering, closely connected with the epochal developments of chemical and process engineering. At the moment it is most timely to think about new opportunities of development. Large-scale plant engineering and general plant construction has experienced considerable improvement over the past decades, and the effects of these changes are particularly perceptible in the economic sector of German apparatus engineering. Economic pressures have given an additional impetus to a considerable shrinking process. Chemical apparatus engineering will have to focus on two main pillars in the near future: highly qualified standard and innovative products. Especially the latter must be developed in close interaction with chemical engineering in order to put the hardware required for new technologies and process strategies on the market. This article names the important fields of current general technical progress, showing that the main thrust is directed toward an elevated level of product quality that can be achieved through apparatus engineering. Such superior product properties are one important means to achieve higher profitability. [source]