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  • visual censuse

  • Selected Abstracts

    Biological Sustainability of Live Shearing of Vicuña in Peru

    Andes; conservación basada en comunidades; Vicugna vicugna Abstract:,The vicuña's (Vicugna vicugna) fiber is highly valued as an export product that is made into luxury fabric and clothing. The price of fiber in 2004 was $566/kg, which makes the fiber a potentially important source of income for Andean agropastoral communities and serves as an incentive to allow vicuña grazing on high-elevation Andean landscapes. It is presumed that a shorn vicuña has little value for poachers, so shearing vicuñas could serve as a disincentive to poaching. Thus, the supply of vicuña fiber may be sustainable if it is procured through live shearing, which should serve as a powerful conservation tool. We evaluated the effects of capture and shearing on the demography of vicuña in one site located in the Salinas Aguada Blanca Reserve, Arequipa, Peru, where vicuñas were captured and shorn in spring and then returned to the wild. We conducted fixed-width line-transect censuses from 1997 to 2003 of this population. We compared the proportion of young born to females that were shorn versus females that were unshorn for the 3 years in which shearing occurred. We evaluated the effect of capture and shearing on proportion of young born to shorn and unshorn females at a second site, Picotani, Puno. The wild population in Arequipa that underwent capture and shearing showed a steady increase in total population and average density between 1997 and 2003. No significant difference was found between the proportion of young per female for shorn and unshorn females at either site. We conclude that in spring, capture and live shearing of vicuñas can be biologically sustainable. Further research is needed to determine whether shearing during winter months is biologically sustainable. Resumen:,La fibra de vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) tiene gran valor como un producto de exportación que es transformado en tela y ropa de lujo. El precio de la fibra en 2004 era de $566/kg, lo que hace que la fibra sea una fuente de ingreso potencialmente importante para comunidades agropastoriles Andinas y servir como un incentivo para permitir el pastoreo de vicuñas en paisajes Andinos elevados. Se presume que una vicuña trasquilada tiene poco valor para cazadores furtivos, por lo que el trasquilado de vicuñas pudiera servir como un desincentivo para la caza furtiva. Por lo tanto, el abastecimiento de fibra de vicuña puede ser sustentable si se obtiene del trasquilado de animales vivos, y el trasquilado de animales vivos debería ser una poderosa herramienta de conservación. Evaluamos los efectos de la captura y trasquilado sobre la demografía de vicuñas en un sitio localizado en la Reserva Salinas Aguada Blanca, Arequipa, Perú, donde las vicuñas fueron capturadas y trasquiladas en primavera y liberadas. Realizamos censos de esta población en transectos lineales de ancho fijo de 1997 a 2003. Comparamos la proporción de crías de hembras trasquiladas con las de hembras no trasquiladas durante los 3 años en que ocurrió el trasquilado. Evaluamos el efecto de la captura y trasquilado sobre la proporción de crías de hembras trasquiladas y no trasquiladas en un segundo sitio, Picotani, Puno. La población silvestre en Arequipa que fue capturada y trasquilada mostró un incremento constante en la población total y la densidad promedio entre 1997 y 2003. No se encontró diferencia significativa entre la proporción de crías por hembra para hembras trasquiladas y no trasquiladas en ningún sitio. Concluimos que en la primavera, la captura y trasquilado de vicuñas vivas puede ser biológicamente sostenible. Se requiere más investigación para determinar si el trasquilado durante el invierno es biológicamente sostenible. [source]

    Extent of Nontimber Resource Extraction in Tropical Forests: Accessibility to Game Vertebrates by Hunters in the Amazon Basin

    Carlos A. Peres
    We conducted a basin-wide geographic information system analysis of the nonmotorized accessibility of Amazonian NTFP extraction and estimated the proportion of the Amazon drainage basin within Brazil ( 3.74 million km 2 ) that can be accessed on foot from the nearest navigable river or functional road. We use a long-term series of standardized line-transect vertebrate censuses conducted throughout the region to illustrate the effects of physical accessibility on wildlife densities in terms of hunting pressure as a function of distance from the nearest point of access. Population abundance in large-bodied, prime-target species preferred by game hunters tended to increase at greater distances from the access matrix, whereas small-bodied species ignored by hunters usually showed the reverse trend. In addition, we estimated the proportion of presumably inviolate core areas within nature, extractive, and indigenous reserves of Brazilian Amazonia that are prohibitively remote and unlikely to be overhunted; for instance, only 1.16% of the basin-wide area is strictly protected on paper and is reasonably safe from extractive activities targeted to game vertebrates and other valuable NTFPs. Finally, we discuss the concept of truly undisturbed wildlands in the last major tropical forest regions by distinguishing potentially overharvested areas from those that remain largely or entirely pristine and that maintain viable populations of a full complement of harvest-sensitive species. Resumen: Las actividades de extracción enfocadas en un amplio rango de productos forestales no maderables ( NTFPs ) son omnipresentes en los bosques tropicales. Sin embargo, la extensión de bosques estructuralmente intactos en una determinada región afectada por esta forma de perturbación críptica ha sido escasamente documentada. Realizamos un análisis GIS del acceso no motorizado para la extracción NTFP en el Amazonas y estimamos la proporción de la desembocadura de la cuenca amazónica ( ,3.74 millones de km2 ) a la cual se puede acceder a pie a partir del río navegable o la carretera funcional más cercana. Utilizamos series de censos de vertebrados a largo plazo empleando transectos en línea estandarizados a lo largo de la región para ejemplificar los efectos del acceso físico sobre las densidades de vida silvestre en términos de presión de caza como función de la distancia al punto de acceso más cercano. La abundancia poblacional de especies de cuerpo grande que son blancos preferidos por los cazadores tendió a crecer a mayores distancias de la matriz de acceso, mientras que las especies de cuerpo pequeño ignoradas por los cazadores generalmente muestran la tendencia inversa. Además, estimamos la proporción de áreas medulares presuntamente inviolables dentro de las reservas naturales, extractivas e indígenas del Amazonas brasileño que son prohibitivamente remotas y poco probables de ser sobreexplotadas: por ejemplo, solo el 1.16% del área de la cuenca estrictamente proyectada en papel está razonablemente a salvo de las actividades extractivas de los vertebrados de caza y otras NTFPs valiosas. Finalmente, discutimos el concepto de tierras silvestres verdaderamente no perturbadas en las grandes regiones de bosque tropical restantes diferenciando las áreas potencialmente sobreexplotadas de aquellas que son en su mayor parte o totalmente prístinas y que mantienen poblaciones viables de un complemento total de especies sensibles a la cosecha. [source]

    "Demographic Futures for Christianity and the World Religions"

    DIALOG, Issue 1 2004
    By Todd M. Johnson
    Abstract:, Since before 1970 Christian researchers have been tracking the massive demographic shift of Christianity to the Southern Hemisphere and noting the increasingly religious nature of populations around the world. At the same time, writers on the future of religion have been drawn to extreme portrayals of decline or revival of religion. However, the world's religious situation is replete with detailed information, drawn from enormous data collections on religious affiliation and questions about religion in government censuses. Quantitative tools, utilizing this information in the context of demography provide a more nuanced view of humankind's religious future. Demographic trends coupled with conservative estimates of conversions and defections envision over 80% of the world's population will continue to be affiliated with religions 200 years into the future. This religious future will have a profound influence on Christian theology, relations between religions, and the interaction between religion and politics. [source]

    Variation in the relationship between numbers of breeding pairs and woodland area for passerines in fragmented habitat

    ECOGRAPHY, Issue 1 2000
    P. E. Bellamy
    Species may differ in the relationship between the numbers of breeding pairs present and woodland area, because the proportion of a wood that forms suitable habitat will vary with woodland size. In this paper, we examine the pattern of variation in abundance with woodland area for eight breeding bird species, and also show how this pattern varied between years. During 1990-1997, we made annual censuses of 53,160 woods, of up to 10 ha in size, and fitted a power function to describe the relationships between numbers of breeding pairs and woodland area. Seven of the eight species, blackbird Turdus merula, dunnock Prunella modularis, wren Troglodytes troglodytes, great tit Parus major, chaffinch Fringilla coelebs, robin Erithacus rubecula and blue tit Parus caeruleus showed a pattern of proportionally higher numbers in smaller woods. Only long-tailed tit Aegithalos caudatus occurred in proportionally higher numbers in larger woods. Blackbird and dunnock showed a trend towards lower numbers in large woods during years with low regional population levels; for these species large woods may provide sub-optimal habitat. Great tit, blue tit, chaffinch and robin showed the opposite trend, towards lower numbers in small woods during years with low regional population levels; for these species small woods may provide sub-optimal habitat. Wren and long-tailed tit, which also showed large annual population fluctuations, showed no change in distribution with regional population level. In great tit and chaffinch, the distribution of pairs in any one year may have been influenced by site fidelity producing a lag in the response associated with regional population levels. [source]

    Tritrophic interactions and trade-offs in herbivore fecundity on hybridising host plants

    Maria V. Cattell
    Abstract., 1. Interspecific plant hybridisation can have important evolutionary consequences for hybridising plants and for the organisms that they interact with on multiple trophic levels. In this study the effects of plant hybridisation on the abundance of herbivores and on the levels of herbivore parasitism were investigated. 2. Borrichia frutescens, B. arborescens, and their hybrid (B. × cubana) were censused for Asphondylia borrichiae galls and Pissonotus quadripustulatus plant hoppers in the Florida Keys. Levels of egg parasitism were determined by dissecting parental and hybrid stems and galls for herbivore and parasite eggs and larvae. Stem toughness and gall size are plant-mediated modes of protection from parasitism and these were also measured. For gall midges, fly size was measured as an estimate of fecundity. 3. Field censuses indicated that herbivore abundances varied on hybrid hosts relative to parent plant species and that the different herbivore species exhibited different patterns of abundance. Asphondylia borrichiae gall numbers followed the additive pattern of abundance while P. quadripustulatus numbers most closely resembled the dominance pattern. 4. Parasitism of P. quadripustulatus eggs was high on B. frutescens and the hybrids, and low on B. arborescens, which also had significantly tougher stems. Asphondylia borrichiae suffered the highest levels of parasitism on B. frutescens, the host plant which produced the smallest galls. On B. arborescens, which produced the largest galls, levels of A. borrichiae parasitism were lowest. Both parasitism and gall size were intermediate on the hybrid plants. Galls on B. arborescens and hybrid plants produced significantly smaller flies then those from B. frutescens suggesting that, when selecting hosts from among parent species and hybrids, gall flies may face a trade-off between escape from natural enemies and maximising fecundity. [source]

    Comparing tropical forest tree size distributions with the predictions of metabolic ecology and equilibrium models

    ECOLOGY LETTERS, Issue 5 2006
    Helene C. Muller-Landau
    Abstract Tropical forests vary substantially in the densities of trees of different sizes and thus in above-ground biomass and carbon stores. However, these tree size distributions show fundamental similarities suggestive of underlying general principles. The theory of metabolic ecology predicts that tree abundances will scale as the ,2 power of diameter. Demographic equilibrium theory explains tree abundances in terms of the scaling of growth and mortality. We use demographic equilibrium theory to derive analytic predictions for tree size distributions corresponding to different growth and mortality functions. We test both sets of predictions using data from 14 large-scale tropical forest plots encompassing censuses of 473 ha and > 2 million trees. The data are uniformly inconsistent with the predictions of metabolic ecology. In most forests, size distributions are much closer to the predictions of demographic equilibrium, and thus, intersite variation in size distributions is explained partly by intersite variation in growth and mortality. [source]

    Measurement error and estimates of population extinction risk

    ECOLOGY LETTERS, Issue 1 2004
    John M. McNamara
    Abstract It is common to estimate the extinction probability for a vulnerable population using methods that are based on the mean and variance of the long-term population growth rate. The numerical values of these two parameters are estimated from time series of population censuses. However, the proportion of a population that is registered at each census is typically not constant but will vary among years because of stochastic factors such as weather conditions at the time of sampling. Here, we analyse how such sampling errors influence estimates of extinction risk and find sampling errors to produce two opposite effects. Measurement errors lead to an exaggerated overall variance, but also introduce negative autocorrelations in the time series (which means that estimates of annual growth rates tend to alternate in size). If time series data are treated properly these two effects exactly counter balance. We advocate routinely incorporating a measure of among year correlations in estimating population extinction risk. [source]

    Black Employment, Segregation, and the Social Organization of Metropolitan Labor Markets

    ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY, Issue 3 2007
    Niki T. Dickerson
    Abstract: This broad analysis of the employment of blacks in metropolitan areas examines the role of residential segregation in comparison with four other key structural explanations for racial metropolitan inequality: industrial composition, minority concentration, immigration, and the racial disparity in skills. The goal of the analysis was to determine whether the spatial configuration of blacks relative to whites in a metropolitan area influences the employment rates of black men and black women in the context of the structural conditions of the local labor market. The study expanded the analysis of space and work beyond an emphasis on the physical distance between black communities and jobs to a broader conceptualization of residential segregation as a structural feature of the entire metropolitan labor market that is representative of its social organization with regard to race. Using a longitudinal data set of the structural characteristics of the 95 largest U.S. cities from the 1980, 1990, and 2000 decennial censuses, the study used a cross-sectional analysis of the cities in 2000 and a fixed-effects analysis to assess the impact of five dimensions of residential segregation and the four other structural factors on the employment of blacks across different labor markets and across time within each labor market. The results revealed that when the other structural characteristics are controlled, the employment rates of blacks are lower in more segregated cities and decrease as cities become more segregated over time. The clustering and evenness dimensions of residential segregation were the most determinative of black employment. [source]

    Immigration and the Economic Status of African-American Men

    ECONOMICA, Issue 306 2010
    George J. Borjas
    The employment rate of black men, and particularly of low-skilled black men, fell precipitously between 1960 and 2000. At the same time, their incarceration rate rose. This paper examines the relation between immigration and these trends in employment and incarceration. Using data from the 1960,2000 US censuses, we find that a 10% immigration-induced increase in the supply of workers in a particular skill group reduced the black wage of that group by 2.5%, lowered the employment rate by 5.9 percentage points, and increased the incarceration rate by 1.3 percentage points. [source]

    When half of the population died: the epidemic of hemorrhagic fevers of 1576 in Mexico

    Rodofo Acuna-Soto
    Abstract During the 16th century, Mexico suffered a demographic catastrophe with few parallels in world's history. In 1519, the year of the arrival of the Spaniards, the population in Mexico was estimated to be between 15 and 30 million inhabitants. Eighty-one years later, in 1600, only two million remained. Epidemics (smallpox, measles, mumps), together with war, and famine have been considered to be the main causes of this enormous population loss. However, re-evaluation of historical data suggests that approximately 60,70% of the death toll was caused by a series of epidemics of hemorrhagic fevers of unknown origin. In order to estimate the impact of the 1576 epidemic of hemorrhagic fevers on the population we analyzed the historical record and data from the 1570 and 1580 censuses of 157 districts. The results identified several remarkable aspects of this epidemic: First, overall, the population loss for these 157 districts was 51.36%. Second, there was a clear ethnic preference of the disease, the Spanish population was minimally affected whereas native population had high mortality rate. Third, the outbreak originated in the valleys of central Mexico whence it evolved as an expansive wave. Fourth, a positive correlation between altitude and mortality in central Mexico was found. Fifth, a specific climatic sequence of events was associated with the initiation and dissemination of the hemorrhagic fevers. Although the last epidemic of hemorrhagic fevers in Mexico ended in 1815, many questions remain to be answered. Perhaps the most relevant ones are whether there is a possible reemergence of the hemorrhagic fevers and how vulnerable we are to the disease. [source]

    Seasonal and inter-stream variations in the population dynamics, growth and secondary production of an algivorous fish (Pseudogastromyzon myersi: Balitoridae) in monsoonal Hong Kong

    FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, Issue 9 2009
    Summary 1.,Balitorid loaches are widespread and highly diverse in Asian streams, yet their life history and ecology have received little attention. We investigated seasonal (wet versus dry season) and spatial variation in populations of algivorous Pseudogastromyzon myersi in Hong Kong, and estimated the magnitude of secondary production by this fish in pools in four streams (two shaded and two unshaded) over a 15-month period. 2.,Mean population densities of P. myersi ranged from 6.0 to 23.2 individuals m,2, constituting more than half (and typically >70%) of benthic fishes censused. Abundance was c. 25% greater in the wet season, when recruitment occurred. Significant density differences among streams were not related to shading conditions and were evident despite small-scale variations in P. myersi abundance among pools. Mean biomass varied among streams from 0.85 to 3.87 g ash-free dry weight (AFDW) m,2. Spatial and seasonal patterns in biomass and density were similar, apart from some minor disparities attributable to differences in mean body size among populations. 3.,All four P. myersi populations bred once a year in June and July, and life spans varied from 24 to 26 months. Populations consisted of three cohorts immediately after recruitment but, for most of the study period, only two cohorts were evident. Cohort-specific growth rates did not differ significantly among streams but, in all streams, younger cohorts had higher cohort-specific growth rates. 4.,Secondary production of P. myersi estimated by the size-frequency (SF) method was 2.7,11.5 g AFDW m,2 year,1 and almost twice that calculated by the increment-summation (IS) method (1.2,6.6 g AFDW m,2 year,1). Annual P/B ratios were 1.17,2.16 year,1 (IS) and 2.73,3.22 year,1 (SF). Highest production was recorded in an unshaded stream and the lowest in a shaded stream, but site rankings by production did not otherwise match shading conditions. Wet-season production was six times greater than dry-season production, and daily production fell to almost zero during January and February. Cool temperatures (<17 °C) may have limited fish activity and influenced detectability during some dry-season censuses. Estimates of abundance and annual production by P. myersi are therefore conservative. 5.,Comparisons with the literature indicate that the abundance and production of P. myersi in Hong Kong was high relative to other benthic fishes in tropical Asia, or their temperate counterparts in small streams. Manipulative experiments are needed to determine the influence of P. myersi, and algivorous balitorids in general, on periphyton dynamics and energy flow in Asian streams. [source]

    The specialist seed predator Bruchidius dorsalis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) plays a crucial role in the seed germination of its host plant, Gleditsia japonica (Leguminosae)

    FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, Issue 2 2002
    K. Takakura
    Summary 1,This paper describes the germination mechanism of hard seeds of a species of honey locust, Gleditsia japonica, which can germinate only when externally damaged, in relation to four germinating factors: feeding damage by two specialist seed predators, a bean weevil (Bruchidius dorsalis) and a cydid bug (Adrisa magna); feeding damage by a generalist seed predator, a wild mouse (Apodemus speciosus); and physical damage. 2,In laboratory experiments, both the bean weevil and physical damage facilitated germination, while damage by the cydid bug and wild mouse did not. 3,In contrast to laboratory findings, field censuses of G. japonica seed survival revealed that more than 99% were damaged either by B. dorsalis or A. magna. Therefore, less than 0·5% of the seeds remained intact, preventing formation of a seed bank. 4,In addition, all germinating seeds found in the field contained B. dorsalis larvae. 5,These results strongly suggest that damage by B. dorsalis is a prerequisite for G. japonica germination, in contrast to the conventional view that physical disturbance, possibly flooding, is the primary germinating factor for hard seeds. [source]

    Coral bleaching, reef fish community phase shifts and the resilience of coral reefs

    Abstract The 1998 global coral bleaching event was the largest recorded historical disturbance of coral reefs and resulted in extensive habitat loss. Annual censuses of reef fish community structure over a 12-year period spanning the bleaching event revealed a marked phase shift from a prebleach to postbleach assemblage. Surprisingly, we found that the bleaching event had no detectable effect on the abundance, diversity or species richness of a local cryptobenthic reef fish community. Furthermore, there is no evidence of regeneration even after 5,35 generations of these short-lived species. These results have significant implications for our understanding of the response of coral reef ecosystems to global warming and highlight the importance of selecting appropriate criteria for evaluating reef resilience. [source]

    Fluctuations of Vanessa cardui butterfly abundance with El Niño and Pacific Decadal Oscillation climatic variables

    Abstract Annual 4th of July Butterfly Count data spanning more than 20 years are examined to explore Vanessa cardui (Painted Lady) population fluctuations with ENSO (El Niño) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) indices. California, Colorado and Nebraska censuses exhibit a strong positive correlation with the strong El Niño events of 1982,1983 and 1997,1998 and the weaker event of 1991,1992. Regression analysis shows the population fluctuations are strongly coupled to climate variations on both short (El Niño) and longer (Pacific Decadal Oscillation) time scales. Recognizing the sensitivity to these time scales is important for predicting longer-term global climate change effects. [source]

    A Country on the Move: International Migration in Post-Communist Albania1

    Calogero Carletto
    Albania is a country on the move. This mobility plays a key role in household-level strategies to cope with the economic hardship of transition. With the relaxing of controls on emigration at the beginning of the 1990s, international migration has exploded, becoming the single most important political, social, and economic phenomenon in post-communist Albania. Based on the 1989 and 2001 population censuses we estimate that over 600,000 Albanians live abroad, mostly in nearby Greece and Italy, with the vast majority coming from a limited number of districts located at the coastal and transport gateways to these destination countries, as well as Tirana. The available data also suggest that a similar number have considered migrating, and of these, half have tried and failed. Almost one-half of the children who since 1990 no longer live with their parents are now living abroad, a number of almost exodus proportions. This article also identifies clear patterns of temporary migration, with Greece being by far the most important destination and rural areas from the Center and North-East of the country being the primary origins of these flows. Although migration, with the resulting remittances, has become an indispensable part of Albanian economic development, there is increasing consensus on the necessity to devise more appropriate, sustainable strategies to lift households out of poverty and promote the country's growth. [source]

    Institutional Structure and Immigrant Integration: A Comparative Study of Immigrants' Labor Market Attainment in Canada and Israel,

    Noah Lewin-Epstein
    The present study focuses on the incorporation of immigrants from the former Soviet Union in two receiving societies, Israel and Canada, during the first half of the 1990s. Both countries conducted national censuses in 1995 (Israel) and 1996 (Canada), making it possible to identify a large enough sample of immigrants and provide information on their demographic characteristics and their labor market activity. While both Canada and Israel are immigrant societies, their institutional contexts of immigrant reception differ considerably. Israel maintains no economic selection of the Jewish immigrants and provides substantial support for newcomers, who are viewed as a returning Diaspora. Canada employs multiple criteria for selecting immigrants, and the immigrants' social and economic incorporation is patterned primarily by market forces. The analysis first examines the characteristics of immigrants who arrived in the two countries and evaluates the extent of selectivity. Consistent with our hypotheses, Russian immigrants to Canada were more immediately suitable for the labor market, but experienced greater difficulty finding and maintaining employment. Nevertheless, immigrants to Canada attained higher-status occupations and higher earnings than their compatriots in Israel did, although the Israeli labor market was more likely to reward their investments in education. [source]

    Improving Statistics on International Migration in Asia

    Graeme Hugo
    Summary International migration has reached unprecedented scale, diversity and political, economic, social and demographic significance in Asia over the last decade. Despite this data collection of migrant stocks and flows remains very limited in most Asian countries. Accordingly, policy making on migration in the region lacks an evidence base and is influenced by interest groups, anecdotal evidence and prejudice. This paper argues that the heightened security consciousness since 911 together with the development of efficient computer based collection and analysis of migration data systems has created a propitious environment for bringing about a parametric improvement in data collection on international migration in Asia. A number of suggestions are made in this regard, especially the inclusion of relevant international migration questions in the 2010 round of population censuses. Résumé Add cours de la dernière décennie, la migration internationale a atteint en Asie un niveau sans précédent en ce qui concerne son ampleur et sa diversité, ainsi que son importance politique, économique, sociale et démographique. Malgré ce fait, la collection de données statistiques sur les populations migratoires et leurs déplacements reste très limitée dans la plupart des pays asiatiques. Par conséquent, la politique générale en matière de migration dans la région n'est pas basée sur des données factuelles et se trouve influencée par des groupes de pression, par des faits anecdotiques et par des préjugés. Cet article cherche à démontrer que la prise de conscience en matière de sécurité, qui est devenue plus aiguë depuis les événements du 11 septembre, ainsi que le développement d'un système efficace et informatisé de collection et d'analyse des données portent sur la migration, ont créé un climat favorable à une amélioration paramétrique de la collection des données concernant la migration internationale en Asie. Un certain nombre de propositions sont faitesà cet égard, en particulier l'idée d'incorporer dans les recensements démographiques de 2010 des questions ayant rapportà la migration internationale. [source]

    Comparative changes in adult vs. juvenile survival affecting population trends of African ungulates

    Summary 1Among large mammalian herbivores, juvenile survival tends to vary widely and may thus have a greater influence on population dynamics than the relatively constant survival rates typical of adults. However, previous studies yielding stage-specific survival rates have been mostly on temperate zone ungulates and in environments lacking large predators. 2Annual censuses coupled with assessments of population structure enabled annual survival rates to be estimated for the juvenile, yearling and adult segments of nine ungulate species in South Africa's Kruger National Park. Four of these populations persisted at high abundance after initial increases (zebra, wildebeest, impala and giraffe), while five showed progressive declines during the latter part of the study period (kudu, waterbuck, warthog, sable antelope and tsessebe). 3The magnitude of the reduction in adult survival between periods showing contrasting population trends was similar to or greater than the corresponding change in juvenile survival for five of the nine species. Accordingly alterations in population phase, from increasing to stable or stable to declining, were brought about mostly through reduced survival within the adult segment. Elevated predation risk may have been responsible. 4Estimates were derived of the relative survival rates of juveniles, yearlings and adult segments associated with zero population growth, and the survival differential between adult males and females, for all nine species. Stage-specific survival rates appeared dependent on body mass, but with some anomalies. The sex difference in adult survival showed no obvious relation with sexual size dimorphism. 5For large mammalian herbivores, assessments of relative elasticities of stage-specific survival rates on population growth are problematic for several reasons. Sensitivity to corresponding increments in either survival or mortality rates provides a better basis for ecological or adaptive interpretation. Survival rates of adults seem to vary more over multiyear periods compared with mainly annual fluctuations in juvenile survival. More studies are needed on tropical species and in environments retaining large predators to support generalizations about factors influencing ungulate life-history patterns. [source]

    A test of methods for estimating population size of the invasive land snail Achatina fulica in dense vegetation

    Paul G. Craze
    Summary 1Physical inaccessibility often complicates censuses of poorly mobile organisms. We therefore assessed the effectiveness of using a sample of quadrat counts to generate a population estimate corrected for inaccessible areas. The result is directly applicable to management of the introduced snail Achatina fulica on Ile aux Aigrettes, a small island off Mauritius, but also has implications for counting this and similar species elsewhere. Accurate counting of A. fulica is important given that this species is such a widespread and serious pest. 2Counts were made in 17 quadrats taken from a grid covering the island. These were used to produce one population estimate by interpolating for the rest of the grid using GIS software (method 1). A second estimate assumed equal density of snails in accessible and inaccessible parts of the 17 quadrats, again with the population estimate interpolated (method 2). 3Four further quadrats were cleared of vegetation and, by comparison of counts before and after clearance, the relationship between initial count and true snail number was estimated. This resulted in two further population estimates, with the relationship used to adjust counts in the 17 experimental quadrats before interpolation (methods 3 and 4). 4All four estimates were tested using 35 additional quadrats of two types. Type 1 quadrats were physically cleared of vegetation; type 2 quadrats were fully accessible without clearance. Predicted counts in these quadrats were assessed for accuracy by comparison with actual counts. 5The method 1 estimate was clearly inadequate; method 4 gave a consistent overestimate; method 2 gave the smallest error in both quadrat types. In type 1 quadrats, method 2 and 3 estimates were not significantly different and method 2 had a slight tendency to underestimate. Overall, for studies of A. fulica, method 2 is recommended. However, it should be noted that the study took place towards the end of the wet season. In the dry season, damp refuges under inaccessible vegetation may be more important and methods 3 and 4 may then give a better estimate. 6The population of A. fulica with shell length > 10 mm on Ile aux Aigrettes near the end of the wet season in 2000 was between 37 300 and 45 100, with 39 700 being the best estimate. 7The results underline the importance of considering inaccessible areas when accurate counts of species are needed, and a method is suggested by which a simple census technique can be adjusted. In the case of A. fulica, more accurate estimates of population size and distribution are invaluable in the management, monitoring and eradication of this invasive species. [source]

    Effects of intensive harvesting on moose reproduction

    Catherine Laurian
    Summary 1.,It has been hypothesized that a balanced adult sex ratio is necessary for the full participation of ungulate females in reproduction and therefore high productivity. We tested this general hypothesis by combining two complementary approaches. 2.,First, using telemetry (n = 60) and annual aerial censuses between 1995 and 1998, we compared two moose Alces alces populations in Quebec, Canada, one non-harvested and the other subject to intensive sport harvesting from the end of September to mid-October. We tested the following predictions for the harvested population: (i) females increase movements and home ranges during the mating period; (ii) the mating system is modified, with the appearance of groups of one male and many females; (iii) subadult males participate in reproduction; (iv) the mating period extends over two to three oestrus cycles; (v) the calving period extends over several months; and (vi) productivity declines. 3.,Daily movements and home range sizes during the mating period did not differ between harvested and non-harvested populations. Most groups observed were male,female pairs. Subadult males (1·5,2·5 years old) were only observed with females in the harvested population. Mating and calving periods did not differ between populations. The proportion of females that gave birth and the number of calves produced were also comparable in the two populations. 4.,Secondly, we also assessed the existence of a relationship between population productivity and percentage of males in various management units of the province of Quebec that were characterized by a wide range in sex ratios. Contrary to prediction (vi), the number of calves per 100 adult females was not related to the percentage of adult males in the population. 5.,The participation of young adult males (subadults) in reproduction in our harvested population may have compensated for the lower percentage of adult males, and thus productivity was unaffected. We therefore reject the hypothesis that intensive harvesting, at least at the level we observed, affects reproduction and population productivity. 6.,As there are some uncertainties regarding the long-term effects of high hunting pressure, however, managers should favour sex ratios close to levels observed in non-harvested populations. [source]

    Breeding bird species richness in Taiwan: distribution on gradients of elevation, primary productivity and urbanization

    Pei-Fen Lee
    Abstract Aim, To examine the richness of breeding bird species in relation to elevation, primary productivity and urbanization. Location, The island of Taiwan (120°,122° E, 22°,25° N). Methods, We arranged bird species richness (BSR) data from 288 bird censuses undertaken in Taiwan into a 2 × 2 km quadrat system and calculated average values of elevation, primary productivity [surrogated by normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)], and urbanization (surrogated by road density and percentage of built area) for each 2 × 2 km quadrat. Results, Bird species richness showed a hump-shaped relationship with elevation. It increased with elevation from sea level (10,64 species per 2 × 2 km quadrat), peaked around 2000 m (43,76 species), and then decreased with elevation towards its minimum at the highest elevation. Road density and percentage of built area decreased with elevation, and NDVI showed a hump-shaped relationship with elevation and inverse relationships with road density and percentage of built area. BSR increased with NDVI and decreased with road density and percentage of built area. Linear and cubic terms of elevation together explained 31.3% of the variance in BSR, and road density explained additional 3.4%. The explanatory power of NDVI on BSR was insignificant after the effects of elevation and road density had been justified. Main conclusions, We argue that urbanization plays an important role in the BSR of Taiwan. Urbanization might indirectly decrease BSR through decreasing primary productivity and therefore change the hypothetical inverse relationship between BSR and elevation into a hump-shaped relationship. We also propose a time hypothesis that the biotic communities in the mid-elevation zone of Taiwan had relatively longer periods of existence during the Pleistocene glacial cycles, which might be one underlying process of the observed hump-shaped relationship between species diversity and elevation. [source]

    The small mammal community of a coastal site of south-west Mauritania

    L. Granjon
    Abstract The small mammal community of a coastal site of south-western Mauritania was monitored using live trapping, owl pellet analysis and nocturnal visual censuses. Ten species of rodents and two shrews were recorded. Gerbillid rodents (Gerbillus nanus, G. gerbillus, G. tarabuli, G. nigeriae and Taterillus arenarius) were the most prevalent in traps, whereas a relatively large proportion of owl pellets were made up of a murid rodent, Mastomys huberti. The presence of two species of murids (M. huberti and Arvicanthis niloticus) in this presaharian environment is made possible by the presence of small patches of green vegetation associated with localized fresh water inputs. The contradiction of results from the sampling methods indicate potential biases in the determination of community composition and relative species abundance. Results are also discussed in estimating the potential role of predation and competition in this small mammal community. Résumé On a surveillé de façon continue la communauté de petits mammifères d'un site côtier du sud-ouest de la Mauritanie en servant de pièges, de l'analyse des pelotes de réjection des chouettes et de recensements visuels nocturnes. On a rapporté la présence de 10 espèces de rongeurs et de deux musaraignes. Les Gerbillidés (Gerbillus nanus, G. gerbillus, G. tarabuli, G. nigeriae et Taterillus arenarius) étaient ceux qu'on trouvait le plus dans les pièges, alors qu'une assez forte proportion de pelotes étaient constituées des restes d'un rongeur muridé, Mastomys huberti. La présence de deux espèces de muridés (M. huberti et Arvicanthis niloticus) dans cet environnement pré-saharien est rendue possible par de petits îlots de végétation verdoyante associés à des arrivées locales d'eau douce. La contradiction entre les résultats obtenus par les différentes méthodes d'échantillonnage indique la possibilité de biais dans la détermination de la composition de la communauté et l'abondance relative des espèces. On discute aussi les résultats en estimant le rôle potentiel de la prédation et de la compétition dans cette communauté de petits mammifères. [source]

    Response of recruitment to light availability across a tropical lowland rain forest community

    JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, Issue 6 2009
    Nadja Rüger
    Summary 1. ,Many hypotheses about species coexistence involve differential resource use and trade-offs in species' life-history traits. Quantifying resource use across most species in diverse communities, although, has seldom been attempted. 2. ,We use a hierarchical Bayesian approach to quantify the light dependence of recruitment in 263 woody species in a 50-ha long-term forest census plot in Panama. Data on sapling recruitment were obtained using the 1985,1990 and 1990,1995 census intervals. Available light was estimated for each recruit from yearly censuses of canopy density. 3. ,We use a power function (linear log,log relationship) to model the light effect on recruitment. Different responses of recruitment to light are expressed by the light effect parameter b. The distribution of b had a central mode at 0.8, suggesting that recruitment of many species responds nearly linearly to increasing light. 4. ,Nearly every species showed increases in recruitment with increasing light. Just nine species (3%) had recruitment declining with light, while 198 species (75%) showed increasing recruitment in both census intervals. Most of the increases in recruitment were decelerating, i.e. the increase was less at higher light (b < 1). In the remaining species, the response to light varied between census intervals (24 species) or species did not have recruits in both intervals (41 species). 5. ,Synthesis. Nearly all species regenerate better in higher light, and recruitment responses to light are spread along a continuum ranging from modest increase with light to a rather strict requirement for high light. These results support the hypothesis that spatio-temporal variation in light availability may contribute to the diversity of tropical tree species by providing opportunities for niche differentiation with respect to light requirements for regeneration. [source]

    Tropical forest tree mortality, recruitment and turnover rates: calculation, interpretation and comparison when census intervals vary

    JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, Issue 6 2004
    Summary 1Mathematical proofs show that rate estimates, for example of mortality and recruitment, will decrease with increasing census interval when obtained from censuses of non-homogeneous populations. This census interval effect could be confounding or perhaps even driving conclusions from comparative studies involving such rate estimates. 2We quantify this artefact for tropical forest trees, develop correction methods and re-assess some previously published conclusions about forest dynamics. 3Mortality rates of > 50 species at each of seven sites in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Australia were used as subpopulations to simulate stand-level mortality rates in a heterogeneous population when census intervals varied: all sites showed decreasing stand mortality rates with increasing census interval length. 4Stand-level mortality rates from 14 multicensus long-term forest plots from Africa, Latin America, Asia and Australia also showed that, on average, mortality rates decreased with increasing census interval length. 5Mortality, recruitment or turnover rates with differing census interval lengths can be compared using the mean rate of decline from the 14 long-term plots to standardize estimates to a common census length using ,corr = , × t0.08, where , is the rate and t is time between censuses in years. This simple general correction should reduce the bias associated with census interval variation, where it is unavoidable. 6Re-analysis of published results shows that the pan-tropical increase in stem turnover rates over the late 20th century cannot be attributed to combining data with differing census intervals. In addition, after correction, Old World tropical forests do not have significantly lower turnover rates than New World sites, as previously reported. Our pan-tropical best estimate adjusted stem turnover rate is 1.81 ± 0.16% a,1 (mean ± 95% CI, n = 65). 7As differing census intervals affect comparisons of mortality, recruitment and turnover rates, and can lead to erroneous conclusions, standardized field methods, the calculation of local correction factors at sites where adequate data are available, or the use of our general standardizing formula to take account of sample intervals, are to be recommended. [source]

    Detection of delayed density dependence in an orchid population

    JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, Issue 2 2000
    M. P. Gillman
    Summary 1,Annual censuses of Orchis morio (green-winged orchid) flowering spikes have been taken over a 27-year period in a replicated factorial experiment on the effects of fertilizer application. Census data, combined by block or treatment, were used in time,series analyses to test for density dependence. 2,Partial autocorrelation functions revealed the importance of positive correlations at lag 1 and negative correlations at lag 5. Stepwise multiple regressions provided evidence of delayed density dependence, again with a delay of about 5 years, with no evidence of direct (first-order) density dependence. 3,First-order autocorrelations and delayed density dependence were considered in the light of the known stage structure and generation time of the plant and the possibility of density dependence at different points in the life history. 4,Model structure affects the detection of density dependence, increasing the propensity for type I errors. [source]

    Use of communal roosts by Andean Condors in northwest Patagonia, Argentina

    Sergio A. Lambertucci
    ABSTRACT Andean Condors (Vultur gryphus) are endangered in the northern portion of their South American range, but populations are larger further south. However, throughout their range, little is known about current population sizes and dynamics. Andean Condors use cliffs with shelves as communal roosts and, from 1999 to 2001, we surveyed three of these roosts in northwestern Patagonia, Argentina, to estimate population sizes and trends. The minimum population of Andean Condors in our study area was 196, one of the highest populations recorded for this species. The maximum number of condors observed increased during our 3-yr study. However, there was a strong seasonal pattern in roost use and use also varied among roosts, possibly due to differences in their environmental characteristics, size, and room available for roosting, as well as proximity to nest sites and stage of the breeding season. In 1999 and 2000, more adults were observed than juveniles, but proportions were similar in 2001. Because we observed differential use of roosts among age classes, spatial segregation seems probable. We conclude that intensive censuses of communal roosts can provide useful information about the size, status, and dynamics of local populations. However, the large aggregations we observed may represent a potential risk for the conservation of the species because a single threat could affect multiple individuals. We suggest that a suitable conservation strategy for condors must involve the design and protection of a network of communal roosts. SINOPSIS El Cóndor Andino (Vultur gryphus) es una especie en peligro de extinción en el norte de su distribución Sudamericana, pero sus poblaciones son más abundantes hacia el sur. Sin embargo, poco se conoce sobre los tamaños de las poblaciones y sus dinámicas a lo largo de su distribución. El cóndor usa acantilados con repisas para descansar y pernoctar comunalmente a lo largo del año. Entre 1999-2001 censamos tres de estos dormideros en el noroeste de la Patagonia Argentina para estimar el tamaño poblacional y los patrones de uso. El tamaño poblacional mínimo de la especie en nuestra área de estudio fue de 196 individuos, el cual es de los más grandes registrados para el Cóndor Andino. Aunque el número máximo de cóndores aumentó durante los tres años de estudio, hubo un fuerte patrón estacional del uso de los dormideros. También encontramos variación en el uso entre dormideros posiblemente debida a las diferencias en sus características ambientales, tamaño, espacio disponible para perchar, proximidad a sitios de nidificación y la fase del período reproductivo. En 1999 y 2000 observamos más adultos que juveniles, pero las proporciones fueron similares en 2001. Observamos diferencias en el uso de cada dormidero entre estadios etarios, por lo cual es factible la segregación espacial por edades. Concluimos que los censos intensivos de dormideros comunales pueden proveer información útil sobre el tamaño, estatus y las dinámicas de las poblaciones locales. Sin embargo, grandes agregaciones como las observadas podrían representar un riesgo para la conservación de esta especie, ya que una sola una amenaza podría afectar a muchos individuos. Sugerimos que una estrategia de conservación adecuada para el Cóndor Andino debería involucrar el diseño y protección de una red de dormideros comunales. [source]

    Within night correlations between radar and ground counts of migrating songbirds

    Michael L. Peckford
    ABSTRACT Studies comparing numbers of nocturnal migrants in flight with numbers of migrants at stopover sites have produced equivocal results. In 2003, we compared numbers of nocturnal migrants detected by radar to numbers of passerines observed at the Atlantic Bird Observatory in southwestern Nova Scotia, Canada. Numbers of nocturnal migrants detected by radar were positively correlated with numbers of migrants as determined by mist-netting, censuses, and daily estimated totals (daily estimates of birds present based netting and census results and casual observations) the following day. On nights with winds favorable for migration (tailwinds), the peak correlation between ground counts and radar counts the night before occurred just after sunset. On nights with unfavorable winds (headwinds), the correlation increased through the night, with a peak just before sunrise. The patterns of correlation are consistent with a scenario where birds accumulate at the coastline during periods of unfavorable wind, likely because they are not willing to cross a major ecological barrier, the Gulf of Maine. On nights with favorable winds, many birds departed, but some, possibly after testing wind conditions, apparently decided not to cross the Gulf of Maine and returned. Our results suggest that combining data collected using different methods to generate a daily estimated total provides the best estimate of the number of migrants present at a stopover site. Simultaneous studies at multiple locations where different census methods are used, making more effective use of temporal data (both from radar and diurnal counts), will more clearly elucidate patterns of flight behavior by migratory songbirds and the relationship between ground counts and counts of birds aloft. SINOPSIS Estudios cuales comparan los números de aves migratorias en vuelo durante la noche con los números de aves migratorias en sitios de reposo han producido resultados desiguales. En el 2003, comparamos los números de aves migratorias nocturnas detectadas por radar con los números de aves de Passeriformes observadas en el Atlantic Bird Observatory en el sudoeste de Nueva Escocia, Canadá. Los números de aves migratorias detectadas por radar fueron positivamente correlacionados con los números de aves migratorias detectadas mediante la captura con redes de neblina, por censos y por estimaciones diarias totales (el número de aves migratorias basado en capturas, censos y observaciones no-estandarizadas) durante el próximo día. En noches con vientos favorables para la migración (vientos de cola), el punto máximo de la correlación entre los conteos hechos en la tierra con los conteos hechas mediante radar durante la noche anterior ocurrió justo después de la puesta del sol. En noches con vientos no-favorables para la migración (vientos de frente), la correlación incrementó durante la noche, con un punto máximo justo antes del amanecer. Los patrones de las correlaciones son consistentes con una situación en la cual las aves se acumulan sobre la costa del mar durante periodos de viento no-favorables, probablemente porque no están dispuestos a cruzar una barrera ecológica de mayor tamaño, cual es el Golfo de Maine. En noches con vientos favorables, muchas aves partieron, pero algunos, posiblemente después de probar las condiciones de viento, aparentemente decidieron no cruzar el Golfo de Maine y retornaron. Nuestros resultados sugieren que una combinación de datos colectados utilizando diferentes métodos para generar una estimación diaria total provee la mejor estimación del número de aves migratorias presentes en un sitio de reposo. Estudios simultáneos hechos en múltiples sitios donde diferentes métodos de censo son utilizados, realizando un uso mas efectivo de los datos tomados a través del tiempo (provenientes de conteos mediante radar así como de observadores durante el día), mostrarán mas claramente cuales son los patrones del vuelo de las aves migratorias y la relación entre los conteos hechos en la tierra y los conteos de aves en alto vuelo. [source]

    Hierarchical related regression for combining aggregate and individual data in studies of socio-economic disease risk factors

    Christopher Jackson
    Summary., To obtain information about the contribution of individual and area level factors to population health, it is desirable to use both data collected on areas, such as censuses, and on individuals, e.g. survey and cohort data. Recently developed models allow us to carry out simultaneous regressions on related data at the individual and aggregate levels. These can reduce ,ecological bias' that is caused by confounding, model misspecification or lack of information and increase power compared with analysing the data sets singly. We use these methods in an application investigating individual and area level sociodemographic predictors of the risk of hospital admissions for heart and circulatory disease in London. We discuss the practical issues that are encountered in this kind of data synthesis and demonstrate that this modelling framework is sufficiently flexible to incorporate a wide range of sources of data and to answer substantive questions. Our analysis shows that the variations that are observed are mainly attributable to individual level factors rather than the contextual effect of deprivation. [source]

    Food-web assembly during a classic biogeographic study: species'"trophic breadth" corresponds to colonization order

    OIKOS, Issue 5 2008
    Denise A. Piechnik
    Ecologists have found many patterns in food-web structure. Some, like the constant connectance hypothesis, lack definitive explanatory mechanisms. In response, we investigated whether community assembly mechanisms could explain why trophic complexity consistently scales with species richness among ecosystems. We analyzed how food-web structure developed during the community assembly recorded in Simberloff and Wilson's classic biogeography experiment. Using their arthropod surveys, we constructed six time series of food-webs from pre- and post-defaunation censuses of six experimental islands, and synthesized trophic information for 250 species from the literature and expert sources. We found that the fraction of specialist species increased and the fraction of generalists decreased during food-web assembly. Directed connectance initially declined over time, despite an increase in species richness, but eventually leveled off as predicted by the constant connectance hypothesis of diversity-complexity scaling. The initial decline was explained by later colonization by trophic specialists, probably due to limited resource availability during early colonization. Late-colonizing super-generalists maintained constant connectance at later dates. This relationship between colonization success and trophic breadth helps explain food-web patterns and corroborates assertions that community assembly is systematically influenced by species' trophic breadths. [source]

    Partial life cycle analysis: a model for pre-breeding census data

    OIKOS, Issue 3 2001
    Madan K. Oli
    Matrix population models have become popular tools in research areas as diverse as population dynamics, life history theory, wildlife management, and conservation biology. Two classes of matrix models are commonly used for demographic analysis of age-structured populations: age-structured (Leslie) matrix models, which require age-specific demographic data, and partial life cycle models, which can be parameterized with partial demographic data. Partial life cycle models are easier to parameterize because data needed to estimate parameters for these models are collected much more easily than those needed to estimate age-specific demographic parameters. Partial life cycle models also allow evaluation of the sensitivity of population growth rate to changes in ages at first and last reproduction, which cannot be done with age-structured models. Timing of censuses relative to the birth-pulse is an important consideration in discrete-time population models but most existing partial life cycle models do not address this issue, nor do they allow fractional values of variables such as ages at first and last reproduction. Here, we fully develop a partial life cycle model appropriate for situations in which demographic data are collected immediately before the birth-pulse (pre-breeding census). Our pre-breeding census partial life cycle model can be fully parameterized with five variables (age at maturity, age at last reproduction, juvenile survival rate, adult survival rate, and fertility), and it has some important applications even when age-specific demographic data are available (e.g., perturbation analysis involving ages at first and last reproduction). We have extended the model to allow non-integer values of ages at first and last reproduction, derived formulae for sensitivity analyses, and presented methods for estimating parameters for our pre-breeding census partial life cycle model. We applied the age-structured Leslie matrix model and our pre-breeding census partial life cycle model to demographic data for several species of mammals. Our results suggest that dynamical properties of the age-structured model are generally retained in our partial life cycle model, and that our pre-breeding census partial life cycle model is an excellent proxy for the age-structured Leslie matrix model. [source]